Wow~ Pretty nails :)

Yuna cosplay. Not bad at all. Looks decent.

"aAHhhh.. kawaii desho?!" Peace sign always works with kids :P Cute cosplayers

Looking...out of place, but still not bad of a costume though not my fav.

Still acceptable.

Wtf is this?! EWWWWWWWWWWWWW >"<

And this?! HUH?!?!?!? Who do you think you are dude? =.=" Lose the hair at least ... *shivers*

Though this one is small... but you can see it so obviously. WEAR a PROPER costume laR! And please.. one that suits your size. -.-

*ARGHHH!!* Internet has been a bitch. Shoot it!! Die die die die :X


"Be mine :)"

" Kiss me if you want me; kiss me passionately if you love me."

*There is no snow in Malaysia :( * How?! Does it mean I won't get an angel's kiss? How about Korea? Do they have angels there? Skiing ~~ Weeee =.=

Nice car. Supra...and it's elegant yet sporty :D

"Take my hand, Lead me... and dance with me!"
*Sexy latino salsa*
*Now playing - Bailamos (Enrique Iglesias)*
*shake ur booty.. uh huh uh huh...*

"Hush little baby... dont say a word, momma's gonna buy you a mocking bird..."
*A very familiar position... oh.. ahhaha... I sleep like that sometimes xD*

*Are you thinking about me?*

I'm becoming a panda. But but but... it''s so cuteeeee!
Wahliao...dyaem a lot of random-ness. This is proof that I'm actually turning into a panda *Gasp*!
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