This is the prince charming character. Suou Tamaki a.k.a Tamaki senpai! He's really cute and romantic =) He's the Prince-like host. But an idiot at times. Funny though. He's also known as the"Lord or King" of the host club. In other words, the president! But he doesn't act like one though :P lol.

Haruhi, is a special transfer student to a school called Ouran High School. This school is meant for VERY VERY rich people and it's the most "prestigious" school in Japan. One day, Haruhi wanted to study in a quiet room, but everywhere she went was full of people and the atmosphere was noisy! Then, she came across this room called "The 3rd Music Room"; apparently it was supposed to be empty...but it wasn't!
That was the room where the "Host Club" took place. She went in, not knowing and got into some interrogation session with the host members. The host members didn't know that Haruhi was a girl (no assets I guess :P) and mistook her for a guy.
Just for the record, Host members are these bunch of handsome guys who open their services to lady "customers". Services meaning - their attention, their time, their words and everything else that can make a lady feel as if they're in a fairy tale :) *ahh..such a wonderful school*

The incident which lead to a full conformation was that one day, Tamaki aka the "Lord" was entertaining his "customer" but he kept on looking at the new rookie "Haruhi". His customer got jealous and gradually developed a hate feeling for Haruhi. It was to the extend where she threw Haruhi's belongings into the pond at the school's garden pond.
Obviously Haruhi took notice of her hatred towards her, and looked for her belongings. When she found it at the pond, she noticed her wallet was missing. It was very important to her as she was not one of the wealthy rich kids like the others. She got into the school with a scholarship. So, Tamaki came by and helped her look for it and they eventually found it.
Later on, the Host members were wondering who could have done it. While they were thinking, Haruhi got designated to the girl who threw her stuff to the pond. The girl threatened Haruhi not to get too close to Tamaki and made a scene out of it. She pushed the table, and made Haruhi drop on top of her, making it look like Haruhi was trying to take advantage of her. (Though it can't be done; she's a girl afterall).
But then, Tamaki saw right through her, and her actions. It all made sense. While the girl was shouting at Haruhi, the twins poured tea on her making Haruhi wet too. Then the girl left, sobbing out of embarassment. Tamaki told Haruhi to change into another pair of uniforms and so she went. But she took longer than they expected and went into the changing room to check on her. That was when her secret blew.
Tamaki saw her wearing a bra and totally freaked. He was the last to know that she was a girl. And that's why we call him the "baka King". He's very blur at times.
And so, begun the time when Haruhi was officially a Host member and she maintained disguised as a guy, enteratining "customers"...working to pay off her debt. Which eventually led to having fun, bonding with the other members and slowly becoming a "family".
This anime has a total of 26 eps. Nice to watch. Entertaining but not one of the best I've watched! But still.. it was fun =) It always made my day :)
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