last part... of cam-whoring -.-"...
or so you'd think?

Took a pic to make sure cam got battery *cough-konon-cough-nya*

One more first =)

Hahahahha. Blueks? To you!
Okie okie... enough edi. Let's continue shall we?

Princess Me, had her own carriage. *Actually I just saw it there and decided to climb on it, hoping that it doesn't collapse, and took a quick shot!* Luckily it didn'

Then, they went to the
arcade for a bit. So I tagged along, though I wasn't really interested. But I played
Daytona.. and I only have
ONE blardy thing to say:
It sucks big time. Even my
grandma's rocking chair is better than the chair i was sittin on, and even a toy car's steering wheel was in better condition than the one I held.
TOTALLY not worth riding at all =3 *fumes*
*Okay.. chill adi...*

The next thing I knew, I was poiting cheekily at a plant which I tot looked funny. But clearly, the blardy plant proved me wrong. As you can see, I look weirder than the plant =( Stupid cammiera =P

Then, I walked outside...just for a stroll. Found this well thingy. Er...? I didn't know it was a wishing well...until I read that "small"..."tiny" sign that says.. well..."Wishing Well" =.= *What did I wish for?... (Not telling :D)*

After strolling... I went back to the arcade. Mana tau, these monkies playing foosie. And I tell you rite, the table was not stable at all! *Argh! What kind of quality is this man. :P In the end, they all had sore hands, twisting and turning the blardy tiny men -.-"

I don't know what made me sit down here and take a shot. But it worked. I like it. These are the "suites" in Colmar Tropical. Didn't know I was that artistic! AHahahhaha *feels proud*

And it was 'Heads back to the sack' pplz. Tired, of walking. Or more likely- boredom. Went to bed after that...
I was sleepy... :( Don't laugh at the sleepy face!
And there you go..
end of trip.
Finally, the internet is back.
But I don't know what's wrong with bs... or rather..MY bs :( It doesn't connect and I think it's under maintenance? But, wtf? Maintainence so long meh?! Sob, the past is catching up with me, slowly. I need to sprint further... to avoid anymore stabs thru the vital organ in our body, which we call the
<3Like I always say in the mornin:
"Stay strong gal, it's just a
lil pain. Don't think about it. Go do something nice today aight?... No
tears and
breakdowns okie?.. "
... And right there and then, I trot of... just doin my own things, smiling like nothing is wrong =)
*Pats self on the back. Keep up the beat babes* for succeeding so far...
Isshokenmei ganbarimasu yo!!
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