Anyway, I went to Bk. Tinggi rite? So here are the "promised" piccies :) Konon laaa.. See I'm so nice! Better say I'm sexy ok?! Ahahhahaha ... Okay.. enough laughing.
Let's cut to the chase! :D
I had to wake up at 9.30am! That's freakin early for me T_T Left at 10.45am.
Yada..yada.. yadaa~ You know.. drivin takes time, so I shall not bore you with the "going up journey" details:) See! I'm so nice again... ahhahaha...ha. ha... Ok.. Stop. -.-"
We reached and had to unpack all our stuffz, so we got right to it!
Let me tell you one thing; This bugger here, brought "literally" his whole bed to Bk tinggi -.-"
He brought his single bed, and bed sheets... and summore can smile! May as well bring your whole house here rite?!
Scenery outside the apartment. NOT so beautiful or "breath-taking" because of the stupid Indonesians! HAZE~!

The junk that they fed us with. Totally JUNK I tell you! The horrorrr~~ And this was only half of the "junk"!
I present you with "gambling tokens". These are the substitutes of "money" to gamble =.=

I was bored. Went out for a walk. But to no avail because of the stupiak haze -.-" Not really nice pictures.
The "champion". Or so he calls himself :P
The champion's sister! Hahahaha. I was testing out the cam. See what kinda pics it can take =)
And of course. The cam-whorin session. The toilet was scary though. But this is me. All sweaty and dirty during badminton! I tell you, we played some badass baseball badminton. Got down and dirty man :P

Humanoids with poker faces. HAHAHAH.
All Jedi wannabes. You lookin hot JL! Like your hands pose. It's like "what-ev-er!"

Chef Daryl aka my brother, was cookin dinner coz he was incharge at that time. While we jakuns were stuck to the tv like orang bodoh, waiting for food to be served. :)
Cb hungry faces! ahahahhaha :P So cute la =P
After dinner, we watched Austin Powers I think. Laughed till our asses dropped off, and headed to bed!
Anyway, toodles for now. More to come in the next post! Be suprise of the cam-whoring sessions! Wahahahahha :P
Till then, ciao pplz. Nite nite :D

After dinner, we watched Austin Powers I think. Laughed till our asses dropped off, and headed to bed!
Anyway, toodles for now. More to come in the next post! Be suprise of the cam-whoring sessions! Wahahahahha :P
Till then, ciao pplz. Nite nite :D
1 comment:
OH, hey there. I didn't see this comment as I had a chatterbox. I'd say what u linked there is quite interesting =) Thanks for the source!
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