Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Missed me?

Thought so :P haha

Anyway, I've been away for 4 freakin days high up in the mountains breathing fresh air =) I liked my trip there, but I would've liked it better if there was "a touch of "your" essence".

It was really cold, really windy but yet I had quite some fun.

It's not an oh-so-fancy-5-diamond stars-hotel or place we lived in; rather it was quite basic. Like camping. Only indoors =) But thank the Lord, it had a comfotable bath tub :) And also Thank You God, for making sure that everytime I bathed, I had me some hot water! Or else I could have died of hypotermia -.-"

"It's so freakin cold, I think my breast implants are frozen!" - quoted- Amazing Race =)

I lived 4 coldified (is there even such word?)... days, in a place where there were no computers, internet, astro and also my comfy piggy :( They had a tv though, and we watched many...and I mean many movies with it. Someone even brought the DVD player lol.

It wasn't a happenin trip, but more of a relaxing one. I'm glad I went to cool my head in the cool weather :) Pictures will come in tomoro coz it's not uploaded yet. Till then...more stories to tell ^_^


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