Sweetest thing guys have ever done for me or to me:-
- Suprise visits
- Birthday bash
- Flowers
- Chocolates

- Call me up in the middle of the night, to say he can't sleep
- Write poems to me
- Anonymous letters
- Suprise date
- Holiday (Just the 2 of us) - not literally though :P
- Getting a "cake splat" delight on my face!

I just have to tell this one story =X Here goes:-
There was a guy who fell in love with this girl. But the guy's family was very traditional and therefore will not let him marry or even be with this girl who isn't financially stable, who doesn't have a mom; only a dad. So he was terribly upset but he couldn't defy his family because they've told her to get away from him and never to show her face ever. They even paid for her to go overseas; somewhere far far away. They didn't tell the guy where she went and therefore he couldn't find her.
Until one day, two years later, he was still searching. Due to his work as a directing manager, or something like that, he had to travel to Japan. He met this travelling agency at the airport, and apparently he saw her as one of the guides. He asked for the name card from one of the tourists, and alas, it was her! [Psst...that means they were meant to be together]
So he signed up for one of the tours the agency was giving and feinted his name. She didn't know until she picked him up from the airport and suprisingly to her, it was him! :P (Aiyoh, typical lah). Anyway, she had to ignore him, because she couldn't be with him and it would hurt her to see him again. She asked him to leave but he wouldn't. After 2 years of searching, who would want to just let it go there and then rite?
So, she went to her car, and he followed her. She kept asking him to go away. Then he asked whether she would let him ride in her car because he had no transport. She asked him to look for a taxi and pay with his credit card. He, being so in love with her, took his wallet out and broke all the credit cards into halves.
She stood there in awe. Then he said, "Hah. Now I don't have any money, so you're gonna have to take care of me."
In short, he's a damn sweet guy. Lol. That really proves how much he loved and loves her =) If only reality had these fairy tale like stories. I had but now no more.
Sweetest things I've done for a guy:-
- Walk all the way to a place, to get his fav drink
- Suprise props for bdays
- Baking cakes

- Making food
- Volunteering to get things for him & friends
- Help with assignments
- Special teddy bears
- Suprise visits
- Poems
- Talking to parents
- Handmade presents
- Hugs & Kisses by surpise

- Sewed a bean bag (With engravings)
- Secret Indulgence
- Became an alarm clock. Whenever. Wherever.
- Cooking together
- Cam-whore
- Dance for a bit
- Just being happy & Spontaneous
- Letters
- Offer my jacket, even when I was cold
- Push him into either a pool or drain! :P LOL!
Well, I don't know whether that was sweet to you guys but, I'm sure some of it were deemed as sweet. No matter; as long as it's from the heart and it's sincere, how big the present/suprise is.. size don't matter.
That's it for now I think.
My brain just froze and I couldn't think of anythin else.
So, I shall post it again, on the 1 yr anniversary date of this post! :P
7 more days a.k.a one more week to remember a special moment. I ain't telling you all what. It's between me and my other gender partner. :P Hahaha.
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