Therefore it makes me unhappy girl :P Unreasonable rite? Yea, I know. That's me sometimes letting off steam. LOL !!
Anyway, I am soooo-ooo-oo0- bored with boredom that I've decided to post a short wishlist. NOTICE the word short; means theres more:P HAHAHA !
Okay, at 5am acting all crazy ain't good. So please help me fufill my wishlist so I can be a happy girl k?
:+: Sarah's bea-u-tiful and "reasonable" wish list :+:
- I wish for a new wardrobe. (Mini skirts and baggy pants are TOTALLY allowed!)

- I wish for new shoes. (Lewre roxor!) - couldn't find my favs, so I just post random nice shoes :P

- I wish for a hairdo. (Just dying actually -.-)
- I want to Ice-skate. (Figure skatin)

- I want a new handphone coz I'm realizing mine sucks big time. Only the voice speaker part :P
- I want a prince who loves me for who I am, tolerate my nonesence, my manja-ness, and takes care of me but also having fun! Yes, fun is very important :) Must be a good kisser too! HAHAHA *Looks away* Oh yeah, must have good looks ! Muahahahhaah =P
- I want to get my mommy a big big garden and weekly allowance. (That is when I start earning my own income-lah)

Enough for now :P OR you guys want more? Heheheheh :P
Took me an hour to do this post =.=" Time-consumin man. 6.15 edi !!!!! I'm so dead.
*7.30 goin joggin*
~Dreadinggg....dreadinggg....ddreaaddingggg...... ... ... ... .. .. .. . .
One more wish! This one I bet you all know! :P
I wish forr....
So 9/11 was Bush's fault?
Lol... maybe? =P
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