Friday, October 06, 2006

Unexpected twist

You know when you just believe a side of a story, you think it's right. And as right as it can be.

But in reality, it's not.

Wow, I've really been following through the wrong things, and once again, I'm a confused teen, with a "typical" teen complexity. With teen fam probs, and teen friends probs and relationship probs. Ever wonder how you can tell if someone is not telling you the truth?

I've wondered many times, how to see if people were telling me lies or the truth. But, normally, being the reasonable person I am, and finding sense in almost everything people say, I normally, either get conned, or go over another conflict within myself with my head.

Then sometimes, you find out things from other people which makes more sense and it's totally related to the things you're hearing about now. Then you wonder, who am I going to trust? Which story is actually true? And having said that, curiousity does kill the cat. It's the most cruel thing it can do to people's minds. So, excessive thinking will start, and questioning will commence.

Thus, you will get a totally confused person questioning about life and the people living with it.

Right now, my conscience is kicking in, and I'm about to ruin someone else's life just because I exist. Was this how I wanted it to be? No. Was this how I thought it would end up like? No. It's a terribly sudden suprise that things are happening so fast and it doesn't give you time to think of your actions.

I know I may not have the biggest problem of all (Family break downs, killing someone, going to jail, financially broke, ill stricken), but I'm in a dilemma coz I don't know what to think. For once, my brain has not come up with any answers.

If only, we could've been friends. Or get to know each other. It's not too late.

For a person like me, I can't see why people would say that I always put blame on others, or somethin. For example,"Why do you blame me?" or "Why do you always think and say I'm wrong?" or "You don't know how it is for me" or "You think it's so blardy easy huh?"

The thing is... I hardly blame anyone; only myself.

There was once I only knew how to take the hits, and spare none for myself to hit. But now, I've realized, all those years, my pride & dignity has gone down the drain without me noticing. The things I do, and the things I say, really plays a big part in my social life.

Sometimes I think it's a burden to have such a caring heart. Or a kind one at that. I'm not trying to be perasan or watev k. Its' just who I am, and for those who knows me well, they should know that I speak the truth. A person like me, you think I can give you a bombastic lie? No, I don't think so. Trivial lies, white lies, who can't right? Even a small kid can. So i'd be lying if I told you I can't even tell a lie.

But to those who wants to create a bombastic lie, please, think again coz...

"For every lie, there is another bigger lie and bigger price to pay." - Babychocolattes, 06

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