This is one of the "occasionally" emo post. Wait.
Would you even call this emo? =
Is it wrong, to want your own happiness?

Is it wrong to become persistent?
Is it wrong to prove yourself?
Is it wrong to take all the pain, and not show it?
Is it wrong to have strong feelings and know that somehow, your gut feelings are right?
Is it wrong to confide in someone?
Is it wrong to give opinions that might be the truth?
Is it wrong to miss someone that isn't in your arms?
Is it wrong to be yourself?
Is it wrong for one to try to have fun?
Then why do I blame myself, when things go wrong?
Why do I blame myself, when I did nothing wrong?...
Is it some kind of teraphy? No, I definitely think not!
Or maybe it's just the empty soul talking?

Maybe this is part of the me that I'm not, talking?
Damn it. Does it even makes sense?!
I was just wondering to myself; If one day, I called "you" (You-being whoever that I call on that day), when I am in distress; gangster fight, police, street bullies, random people, or even a car accident, and "you" didn't pick up your phone. Let's say after an hour, "you" see that missed call and try to call back but no one picks up. Would "you" feel bad, or guilty if something happened to me?
If it happened to you, I definitely would.
Why am I writting this? I honestly don't know.
I just felt the emptiness today. It suddenly struck me when I wasn't ready.
These are probably side effects?
I went to KAOS coz I felt really bored at home. Unfortunately, it didn't have BS as well. I was a lil disappointed but what could I do? I just stayed and played some games for a bit. Bought a movie, and bought chicken wings and brought it back home.
This sudden miserable depression is killing me. I hope that tomoro would be a better day. I really, really do.
So empty, so cold, but still able to love...
Honey, I missed you so;
All I could do,
Was watch myself let go;
It is but, a reflection,
None so real before...
It is a pain I bear,
With a choice,
I choose not,
Treasuring every moment,
Owning up to mistakes,
It is, but my own demise.
To be able to taste,
But not have you in my arms.
It is tiring work and tiring for the mind and soul,
As I do, feel it draining out... cold.

My only wish is to be sane tomorrow. The word blood has just triggerred somethin from the past.
1 comment:
haha, well so u know, it's not crap. and if you think it's crap, stop visiting =)and crap about urself.
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