...a hawt one at that!- busy for approximately 20 mins?
I'll gladly show you =)
It's like this...
You answer random questions.
1. My friends...
are one of the kinds ;p
2. I am listening to..
my heartbeat.
3. Maybe I should...
inherit superpowers, like mind-reading maybe?
4. I love...
*you*, my teddies, muh babes, muh fam [when they're spontaneous!], the happy me :)
5. My plan...
is to secure my future before I turn 18!
6. I don't understand...
why must we learn add maths?
7. I lost...
my thoughts when my brother asked me what a pad was.
8. People say...
'dayeum' for a reason.
9. I'm missing...
muh darl, sleep, a pants (hahas, what do u think im wearin?), let ur mind have an imagination boost!
10. Love means...
what's in the heart.
11. Somewhere, someone is...
12.I'm always searching for...
13.Forever seems....
easy to spell.
14. I never want to....
be near a flying cockroach.
15. My mobile phone...
is in love with me ;p
16. When I wake up in the morning...
i say "5 mins more" and doze off again.
17. I get annoyed when...
people are annoying me.
18. Parties are...
19. My cat is ...
don't have a cat.
20. Hug and kisses..
...cookies and creme.
21. Today I...
22. Tomorrow I will...
be one step closer to being a goddess (:
23. I really want...
to ask the man I love to marry me, instead of him askin me! Lolz.
24. I...
am me.
See. It works.... Right?
Did it?
Did it work?!
... *phew*
Alright, alright. I know it worked. Don't have to thank me. =P You're welcome btw. Hahahaha!!
Monday, October 30, 2006
Saturday, October 28, 2006
Being the "perfect" daughter
I got fucked up today.
Not literally.
I didn't lift a "finger" to help my mom.
Okay, I'll admit; She looked bloody pms-ing today and I was too afraid to even speak to her, because I know that when she's in a foul mood, convos with her never goes right. * I speak from experience * She said that I left things for her to do. Like what?! Leaving my cup on the table? I barely used anything today expect for my music and the room upstairs. So how can I leave something for you to clean up after? Furthermore, it's your choice for wanting to do it? Or is it coz you feel an obligation to do so? Great, even your own choices gets tracked back down to blaming it all on me. Well, newsflash, I can take whatever it is because you've always been like that.
And knowing my conscience and heart is weak, I normally obey, not wanting to disappoint you. But then you go like, "are you doin this coz we asked you to or do you want to do it?" Hah. Go figure it out. I'm pretty sure you're not that thick.
So yeah, she worked her "ass" off today and blamed me for the leftovers. For example- food? I had dinner around 9 ish and I don't know who ate after me but the bottom line is, I did not clean up after I ate. And I also didn't eat with my parents coz I was busy dancing and I wasn't hungry at all. So yeah, I got scolded for wanting to do my own thang.
Nvm. I still can take it. And frankly, I seriously thought it was my fault. How stupid of me.
Then, my mom claims that she has to "beg" me to do things such as, chores. Folding the clothes, hanging the clothes, washing the dishes, etc. She SO did not beg and normally I'll do it. It is the minor times where I didn't and she picked that moment to spill all the blame on me. Saying I'm not helpful to the family and I'm a very inconsiderate person, etc.
Moving on...
My dad "needed" to speak to me, on behalf on my mom. So he "stressed" a point when he said "I'm supposed to go to sleep right now, coz I've been working the whole day and I'm dead tired." So I go like, "Okay, why don't you go to sleep then?" ... He said "No, coz I need to talk to you". And I went, "Uh..okay."
Then we talked and talked. To be honest, he picked the wrong time (Not like there's a perfect time anyway, being a teen which has her own beliefs and all)... I was frustrated that my mom was being childish. Reason is because, she got pissed at me not helping her and all, that when I'm around, she makes sure that I can hear she's pissed off. Putting things down, with brute force, walking like a gorilla, etc. She asked us not to do it and here she is, being childish. What an example? And the thing is, I didn't even talk back at her. See? As I was saying, this was one of the days where she was in a foul mood.
So, my dad had to ruin my moment of peace- when he started to talk to me. Finally, I said, "You know what, since you think that I'm not doin any good with my life, why not you take control? Why not you chuck me somewhere where they'll teach you how to "not have fun" and get all geared up for your damn future?"
He kept quiet.
Then I continued...
"Okay, why not we do it this way. You know I love to dance, I like languages, and I like music. If I go all out and search out every damn information you need to sign me up, would you do it? I get all the juice bout what I love to do, and what I have in mind to pursue, and all you have to do is SIGN ME UP. Can you do that, without probing into the "purpose-sy speech"? Can you not ask me what good it'll do for me in the future? Not now when I"m just starting to get into it. Let me enjoy what I like to do with my terms since you're not happy with the person I am now. If you can do that, it's all good with me."
He said "Okay, we'll see how it goes." But being my dad, I knew that wasn't an agreement. But I was too tired and I was too worked up to have a civilized convo with him and I decided to leave it at that.
But on the contrary, I want to state down some things.
1) Here are the list of things that I'll "sacrifice" so that my parents could have a better picture perfect daughter.
- 8.30-9.30pm; No watching my show.
- Wake up to hang clothes.
- Cook lunch, abandon my music hour to help cook.
- My dance sessions cut short by an hour, coz obviously I'll be dead tired and I have to savor my energy to "help".
- I'll just sit around and read a book, and wait for some "command" to do chores.
- I will sit on the dinner table even when I don't like it and when I'm not hungry at all.
- Make sure, work is done by 6pm.
- 7-8pm work my "ass" off helping to cook dinner. OR probably just cook the damn dinner and get on with it.
2) Just put on a smile all day, just so you know that I'm still alive and existent in the family.
3) Go to the library and get a whole set of refrence books, to read and digest it's "great" knowledge. Math, Lit, Science or watever, just so you know that I'm not stupid.
... There?
Hope that your "perfect" daughter will evolve soon. If not, I guess you probably didn't see the effort I put in anyway. If perfect meant doing the things I love and being a happy person, then I don't see you percepting it that way. It's more like, getting "A's" and getting scholarships. Or probably letters of recomendations.
I bet you are wondering why I'm so foul towards my own family. Truth is, I was never foul with them until the day they made choices for me that I never wanted. Until the day where they gave me the full liberty to school on my own. I told them I couldn't but they didn't take any serious measures at all. Guess it wasn't so important huh? If you think it's important, do me well and take in consideration what I've said to you, dad. Agree with my for once and I gurantee you things will be better and you would see a happier side of me. As of now, I'm beginning to feel like a burden in the family. I'm a lost kid. Help me find my identity before I can no longer contain my anger and my despair of my life, knowing that I cannot pursue what I love, with your support.
It's time that I've become selfish. It's the only way to wake you up. Not only I want to pursue my loves, but also I need that sense of security. And, to know that for 3 years, you have not notice that security that I need. I'm actually feeling quite invisible. Not only have I voiced it out, but I've also shown that I needed that one thing. I have not asked for anything material. Maybe it's time that I do since things I do don't get noticed anyway. I worked for my own fun. And even that I cannot do without a certain consent. I know when you were young, at 12, you've probably started working. But do you want me to learn the values or go through what you did? Don't send me wrong signals because I may just confused myself literally and go nuts. Being a parent, isn't what you want for your children, the best of things? Well, wake up. I'm not having the best of support. If only you could heed my suggestions and not ask questions, maybe you'll see a new me.
And after all this, you'd probably ask why I can't do it on my own. The main reason is financial. I have the passion and I can get all the info. But I cannot pay my dues. So how? Don't pursue? You must be kidding. So, sign me up for the things I need. I'm already begging. Isn't that enough to show you how much I want it. Please, for God's sake. Wake the blardy hell up!
One head less to support. Maybe I should just "grow-up" to be a grown up just like you want me to be. I will never be able to enjoy what I love to do because when I asked it to be on my terms, you make it a big deal. So where are going again?
Not literally.
I didn't lift a "finger" to help my mom.
Okay, I'll admit; She looked bloody pms-ing today and I was too afraid to even speak to her, because I know that when she's in a foul mood, convos with her never goes right. * I speak from experience * She said that I left things for her to do. Like what?! Leaving my cup on the table? I barely used anything today expect for my music and the room upstairs. So how can I leave something for you to clean up after? Furthermore, it's your choice for wanting to do it? Or is it coz you feel an obligation to do so? Great, even your own choices gets tracked back down to blaming it all on me. Well, newsflash, I can take whatever it is because you've always been like that.
And knowing my conscience and heart is weak, I normally obey, not wanting to disappoint you. But then you go like, "are you doin this coz we asked you to or do you want to do it?" Hah. Go figure it out. I'm pretty sure you're not that thick.
So yeah, she worked her "ass" off today and blamed me for the leftovers. For example- food? I had dinner around 9 ish and I don't know who ate after me but the bottom line is, I did not clean up after I ate. And I also didn't eat with my parents coz I was busy dancing and I wasn't hungry at all. So yeah, I got scolded for wanting to do my own thang.
Nvm. I still can take it. And frankly, I seriously thought it was my fault. How stupid of me.
Then, my mom claims that she has to "beg" me to do things such as, chores. Folding the clothes, hanging the clothes, washing the dishes, etc. She SO did not beg and normally I'll do it. It is the minor times where I didn't and she picked that moment to spill all the blame on me. Saying I'm not helpful to the family and I'm a very inconsiderate person, etc.
Moving on...
My dad "needed" to speak to me, on behalf on my mom. So he "stressed" a point when he said "I'm supposed to go to sleep right now, coz I've been working the whole day and I'm dead tired." So I go like, "Okay, why don't you go to sleep then?" ... He said "No, coz I need to talk to you". And I went, "Uh..okay."
Then we talked and talked. To be honest, he picked the wrong time (Not like there's a perfect time anyway, being a teen which has her own beliefs and all)... I was frustrated that my mom was being childish. Reason is because, she got pissed at me not helping her and all, that when I'm around, she makes sure that I can hear she's pissed off. Putting things down, with brute force, walking like a gorilla, etc. She asked us not to do it and here she is, being childish. What an example? And the thing is, I didn't even talk back at her. See? As I was saying, this was one of the days where she was in a foul mood.
So, my dad had to ruin my moment of peace- when he started to talk to me. Finally, I said, "You know what, since you think that I'm not doin any good with my life, why not you take control? Why not you chuck me somewhere where they'll teach you how to "not have fun" and get all geared up for your damn future?"
He kept quiet.
Then I continued...
"Okay, why not we do it this way. You know I love to dance, I like languages, and I like music. If I go all out and search out every damn information you need to sign me up, would you do it? I get all the juice bout what I love to do, and what I have in mind to pursue, and all you have to do is SIGN ME UP. Can you do that, without probing into the "purpose-sy speech"? Can you not ask me what good it'll do for me in the future? Not now when I"m just starting to get into it. Let me enjoy what I like to do with my terms since you're not happy with the person I am now. If you can do that, it's all good with me."
He said "Okay, we'll see how it goes." But being my dad, I knew that wasn't an agreement. But I was too tired and I was too worked up to have a civilized convo with him and I decided to leave it at that.
But on the contrary, I want to state down some things.
1) Here are the list of things that I'll "sacrifice" so that my parents could have a better picture perfect daughter.
- 8.30-9.30pm; No watching my show.
- Wake up to hang clothes.
- Cook lunch, abandon my music hour to help cook.
- My dance sessions cut short by an hour, coz obviously I'll be dead tired and I have to savor my energy to "help".
- I'll just sit around and read a book, and wait for some "command" to do chores.
- I will sit on the dinner table even when I don't like it and when I'm not hungry at all.
- Make sure, work is done by 6pm.
- 7-8pm work my "ass" off helping to cook dinner. OR probably just cook the damn dinner and get on with it.
2) Just put on a smile all day, just so you know that I'm still alive and existent in the family.
3) Go to the library and get a whole set of refrence books, to read and digest it's "great" knowledge. Math, Lit, Science or watever, just so you know that I'm not stupid.
... There?
Hope that your "perfect" daughter will evolve soon. If not, I guess you probably didn't see the effort I put in anyway. If perfect meant doing the things I love and being a happy person, then I don't see you percepting it that way. It's more like, getting "A's" and getting scholarships. Or probably letters of recomendations.
I bet you are wondering why I'm so foul towards my own family. Truth is, I was never foul with them until the day they made choices for me that I never wanted. Until the day where they gave me the full liberty to school on my own. I told them I couldn't but they didn't take any serious measures at all. Guess it wasn't so important huh? If you think it's important, do me well and take in consideration what I've said to you, dad. Agree with my for once and I gurantee you things will be better and you would see a happier side of me. As of now, I'm beginning to feel like a burden in the family. I'm a lost kid. Help me find my identity before I can no longer contain my anger and my despair of my life, knowing that I cannot pursue what I love, with your support.
It's time that I've become selfish. It's the only way to wake you up. Not only I want to pursue my loves, but also I need that sense of security. And, to know that for 3 years, you have not notice that security that I need. I'm actually feeling quite invisible. Not only have I voiced it out, but I've also shown that I needed that one thing. I have not asked for anything material. Maybe it's time that I do since things I do don't get noticed anyway. I worked for my own fun. And even that I cannot do without a certain consent. I know when you were young, at 12, you've probably started working. But do you want me to learn the values or go through what you did? Don't send me wrong signals because I may just confused myself literally and go nuts. Being a parent, isn't what you want for your children, the best of things? Well, wake up. I'm not having the best of support. If only you could heed my suggestions and not ask questions, maybe you'll see a new me.
And after all this, you'd probably ask why I can't do it on my own. The main reason is financial. I have the passion and I can get all the info. But I cannot pay my dues. So how? Don't pursue? You must be kidding. So, sign me up for the things I need. I'm already begging. Isn't that enough to show you how much I want it. Please, for God's sake. Wake the blardy hell up!
One head less to support. Maybe I should just "grow-up" to be a grown up just like you want me to be. I will never be able to enjoy what I love to do because when I asked it to be on my terms, you make it a big deal. So where are going again?
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Is it wrong?
Crap. I barely lasted a month.
This is one of the "occasionally" emo post. Wait.
Would you even call this emo? =
Is it wrong, to want your own happiness?
Is it wrong to want to make things right?
Is it wrong to become persistent?
Is it wrong to prove yourself?
Is it wrong to take all the pain, and not show it?
Is it wrong to have strong feelings and know that somehow, your gut feelings are right?
Is it wrong to confide in someone?
Is it wrong to give opinions that might be the truth?
Is it wrong to miss someone that isn't in your arms?
Is it wrong to be yourself?
Is it wrong for one to try to have fun?
Then why do I blame myself, when things go wrong?
Why do I blame myself, when I did nothing wrong?...
Is it some kind of teraphy? No, I definitely think not!
Or maybe it's just the empty soul talking?
Maybe this is not me.
Maybe this is part of the me that I'm not, talking?
Damn it. Does it even makes sense?!
I was just wondering to myself; If one day, I called "you" (You-being whoever that I call on that day), when I am in distress; gangster fight, police, street bullies, random people, or even a car accident, and "you" didn't pick up your phone. Let's say after an hour, "you" see that missed call and try to call back but no one picks up. Would "you" feel bad, or guilty if something happened to me?
If it happened to you, I definitely would.
Why am I writting this? I honestly don't know.
I just felt the emptiness today. It suddenly struck me when I wasn't ready.
These are probably side effects?
I went to KAOS coz I felt really bored at home. Unfortunately, it didn't have BS as well. I was a lil disappointed but what could I do? I just stayed and played some games for a bit. Bought a movie, and bought chicken wings and brought it back home.
This sudden miserable depression is killing me. I hope that tomoro would be a better day. I really, really do.
So empty, so cold, but still able to love...
Honey, I missed you so;
All I could do,
Was watch myself let go;
It is but, a reflection,
None so real before...
It is a pain I bear,
With a choice,
I choose not,
Treasuring every moment,
Owning up to mistakes,
It is, but my own demise.
To be able to taste,
But not have you in my arms.
... Just like blood.
My only wish is to be sane tomorrow. The word blood has just triggerred somethin from the past.
This is one of the "occasionally" emo post. Wait.
Would you even call this emo? =
Is it wrong, to want your own happiness?

Is it wrong to become persistent?
Is it wrong to prove yourself?
Is it wrong to take all the pain, and not show it?
Is it wrong to have strong feelings and know that somehow, your gut feelings are right?
Is it wrong to confide in someone?
Is it wrong to give opinions that might be the truth?
Is it wrong to miss someone that isn't in your arms?
Is it wrong to be yourself?
Is it wrong for one to try to have fun?
Then why do I blame myself, when things go wrong?
Why do I blame myself, when I did nothing wrong?...
Is it some kind of teraphy? No, I definitely think not!
Or maybe it's just the empty soul talking?

Maybe this is part of the me that I'm not, talking?
Damn it. Does it even makes sense?!
I was just wondering to myself; If one day, I called "you" (You-being whoever that I call on that day), when I am in distress; gangster fight, police, street bullies, random people, or even a car accident, and "you" didn't pick up your phone. Let's say after an hour, "you" see that missed call and try to call back but no one picks up. Would "you" feel bad, or guilty if something happened to me?
If it happened to you, I definitely would.
Why am I writting this? I honestly don't know.
I just felt the emptiness today. It suddenly struck me when I wasn't ready.
These are probably side effects?
I went to KAOS coz I felt really bored at home. Unfortunately, it didn't have BS as well. I was a lil disappointed but what could I do? I just stayed and played some games for a bit. Bought a movie, and bought chicken wings and brought it back home.
This sudden miserable depression is killing me. I hope that tomoro would be a better day. I really, really do.
So empty, so cold, but still able to love...
Honey, I missed you so;
All I could do,
Was watch myself let go;
It is but, a reflection,
None so real before...
It is a pain I bear,
With a choice,
I choose not,
Treasuring every moment,
Owning up to mistakes,
It is, but my own demise.
To be able to taste,
But not have you in my arms.
It is tiring work and tiring for the mind and soul,
As I do, feel it draining out... cold.

My only wish is to be sane tomorrow. The word blood has just triggerred somethin from the past.
Monday, October 23, 2006
You would like em, or you might hate em?
You're supposed to laugh okayz?
Okay. Good. :P
Blood Tests.
Two children were sitting outside a clinic. One of them was crying very loudly.
2nd Child: Why are you crying?
1st Child: I came here for a blood test.
2nd Child: So? Are you afraid?
1st Child: No. For the blood test, they cut my finger.
At this, the second one started crying profusely.
The first one was astonished.
1st Child: Why are you crying now?
2nd Child: I came for a urine test!
Group picture
The children had all been photographed, and the teacher was trying to persuade them each to buy a copy of the group picture.
"Just think how nice it will be to look at it when you are all grown up and say, 'There's Emily; she's a lawyer,' or That's David, he's a doctor.'"
A small voice at the back of the room rang out, "And there's the teacher.....she's dead."
Never hire a man to do a woman's job
A few months ago, there was an opening with the CIA for an assassin. These highly classified positions are hard to fill, and there's a lot of testing and background checks involved before you can even be considered for the position.
After sending some applicants through the background checks, training and testing, they narrowed the possible choices down to two men and a woman, but only one position was available.
The day came for the final test to see which person would get the extremely secretive job. The CIA men administering the test took one of the men to a large metal door and handed him a gun. "We must know that you will follow your instructions no matter what the circumstances," they explained. "Inside this room, you will find your wife sitting in a chair. Take this gun and kill her."
The man got a shocked look on his face and said, "You can't be serious! I could never shoot my own wife!" Well," said the CIA man, "you're definitely not the right man for this job then."
So they bring the second man to the same door and hand him a gun. "We must know that you will follow instructions no matter what the circumstances," they explained to the second man. "Inside you will find your wife sitting in a chair. Take this gun and kill her."
The second man looked a bit shocked, but nevertheless took the gun and went in the room. All was quiet for about five minutes, then the door opened. The man came out of the room with tears in his eyes. "I tried to shoot her. I just couldn't pull the trigger and shoot my wife. I guess I'm not the right man for the job."
"No," the CIA man replied. "You don't have what it takes. Take your wife and go the hell home."
Now they're down to the woman left to test. Again they lead her to the same door and hand her the same gun. "We must be sure that you will follow instructions no matter what the circumstances. This is your final test. Inside you will find your husband sitting in a chair. Take this gun and kill him."
The woman took the gun and opened the door. Before the door even closed all the way, the CIA heard the gun start firing, one shot after another, for 13 shots. Then they heard screaming, crashing, banging on the walls. This went on for several minutes, then all went quiet. The door opened slowly, and there stood the woman....... She wiped the sweat from her brow and said, "You guys didn't tell me the gun was loaded with blanks! I had to beat the son of a bitch to death with the chair!"
Stupid. Lol! Beh tahan man. This woman damn ganas.
Makes me think; I would never want to work with the CIA. I thought they were risk takers. But I never knew they were ruthless! Kill my husband? *Don't think I would. Could.*
Ahh...bless this pure heart that I have! Whoever marries me, shan't die...so ruthlessly ;)
Okay. Good. :P
Blood Tests.
Two children were sitting outside a clinic. One of them was crying very loudly.
2nd Child: Why are you crying?
1st Child: I came here for a blood test.
2nd Child: So? Are you afraid?
1st Child: No. For the blood test, they cut my finger.
At this, the second one started crying profusely.
The first one was astonished.
1st Child: Why are you crying now?
2nd Child: I came for a urine test!
Group picture
The children had all been photographed, and the teacher was trying to persuade them each to buy a copy of the group picture.
"Just think how nice it will be to look at it when you are all grown up and say, 'There's Emily; she's a lawyer,' or That's David, he's a doctor.'"
A small voice at the back of the room rang out, "And there's the teacher.....she's dead."
Never hire a man to do a woman's job
A few months ago, there was an opening with the CIA for an assassin. These highly classified positions are hard to fill, and there's a lot of testing and background checks involved before you can even be considered for the position.
After sending some applicants through the background checks, training and testing, they narrowed the possible choices down to two men and a woman, but only one position was available.
The day came for the final test to see which person would get the extremely secretive job. The CIA men administering the test took one of the men to a large metal door and handed him a gun. "We must know that you will follow your instructions no matter what the circumstances," they explained. "Inside this room, you will find your wife sitting in a chair. Take this gun and kill her."
The man got a shocked look on his face and said, "You can't be serious! I could never shoot my own wife!" Well," said the CIA man, "you're definitely not the right man for this job then."
So they bring the second man to the same door and hand him a gun. "We must know that you will follow instructions no matter what the circumstances," they explained to the second man. "Inside you will find your wife sitting in a chair. Take this gun and kill her."
The second man looked a bit shocked, but nevertheless took the gun and went in the room. All was quiet for about five minutes, then the door opened. The man came out of the room with tears in his eyes. "I tried to shoot her. I just couldn't pull the trigger and shoot my wife. I guess I'm not the right man for the job."
"No," the CIA man replied. "You don't have what it takes. Take your wife and go the hell home."
Now they're down to the woman left to test. Again they lead her to the same door and hand her the same gun. "We must be sure that you will follow instructions no matter what the circumstances. This is your final test. Inside you will find your husband sitting in a chair. Take this gun and kill him."
The woman took the gun and opened the door. Before the door even closed all the way, the CIA heard the gun start firing, one shot after another, for 13 shots. Then they heard screaming, crashing, banging on the walls. This went on for several minutes, then all went quiet. The door opened slowly, and there stood the woman....... She wiped the sweat from her brow and said, "You guys didn't tell me the gun was loaded with blanks! I had to beat the son of a bitch to death with the chair!"
Stupid. Lol! Beh tahan man. This woman damn ganas.
Makes me think; I would never want to work with the CIA. I thought they were risk takers. But I never knew they were ruthless! Kill my husband? *Don't think I would. Could.*
Ahh...bless this pure heart that I have! Whoever marries me, shan't die...so ruthlessly ;)
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Lights, cam, action?! Part 3 of trip
The last part... of cam-whoring -.-"... or so you'd think?
Princess Me, had her own carriage. *Actually I just saw it there and decided to climb on it, hoping that it doesn't collapse, and took a quick shot!* Luckily it didn't..er...break?
Then, they went to the arcade for a bit. So I tagged along, though I wasn't really interested. But I played Daytona.. and I only have ONE blardy thing to say:
It sucks big time. Even my grandma's rocking chair is better than the chair i was sittin on, and even a toy car's steering wheel was in better condition than the one I held. TOTALLY not worth riding at all =3 *fumes*
*Okay.. chill adi...*
The next thing I knew, I was poiting cheekily at a plant which I tot looked funny. But clearly, the blardy plant proved me wrong. As you can see, I look weirder than the plant =( Stupid cammiera =P
Then, I walked outside...just for a stroll. Found this well thingy. Er...? I didn't know it was a wishing well...until I read that "small"..."tiny" sign that says.. well..."Wishing Well" =.= *What did I wish for?... (Not telling :D)*
After strolling... I went back to the arcade. Mana tau, these monkies playing foosie. And I tell you rite, the table was not stable at all! *Argh! What kind of quality is this man. :P In the end, they all had sore hands, twisting and turning the blardy tiny men -.-"
I don't know what made me sit down here and take a shot. But it worked. I like it. These are the "suites" in Colmar Tropical. Didn't know I was that artistic! AHahahhaha *feels proud*
And it was 'Heads back to the sack' pplz. Tired, of walking. Or more likely- boredom. Went to bed after that...
I was sleepy... :( Don't laugh at the sleepy face!
And there you go.. end of trip.
But I don't know what's wrong with bs... or rather..MY bs :( It doesn't connect and I think it's under maintenance? But, wtf? Maintainence so long meh?! Sob, the past is catching up with me, slowly. I need to sprint further... to avoid anymore stabs thru the vital organ in our body, which we call the <3
Like I always say in the mornin:
"Stay strong gal, it's just a lil pain. Don't think about it. Go do something nice today aight?... No tears and breakdowns okie?.. "
... And right there and then, I trot of... just doin my own things, smiling like nothing is wrong =)
*Pats self on the back. Keep up the beat babes* for succeeding so far...
Isshokenmei ganbarimasu yo!!


It sucks big time. Even my grandma's rocking chair is better than the chair i was sittin on, and even a toy car's steering wheel was in better condition than the one I held. TOTALLY not worth riding at all =3 *fumes*
*Okay.. chill adi...*


I was sleepy... :( Don't laugh at the sleepy face!
And there you go.. end of trip.
Finally, the internet is back.But I don't know what's wrong with bs... or rather..MY bs :( It doesn't connect and I think it's under maintenance? But, wtf? Maintainence so long meh?! Sob, the past is catching up with me, slowly. I need to sprint further... to avoid anymore stabs thru the vital organ in our body, which we call the <3
Like I always say in the mornin:
"Stay strong gal, it's just a lil pain. Don't think about it. Go do something nice today aight?... No tears and breakdowns okie?.. "
... And right there and then, I trot of... just doin my own things, smiling like nothing is wrong =)
*Pats self on the back. Keep up the beat babes* for succeeding so far...
Isshokenmei ganbarimasu yo!!
Friday, October 20, 2006
Part Two
Chapter 2
The Journey...perhaps?
We all find ourselves in circumstances which bring much dissatisfaction and great discontentment to our lives at one point or another. If you are in such a situation, you may feel that you're living a life over which you have no control. You're probably almost right. During such times, you have actually surrendered control of your life to someone or something else,- family, friends, society's expectations/standards, an image, etc. Anyone or anything, except the rightful person who should be in charge of his/her life...you =)
The road ahead may be long and arduous to manoeuvre, and it may get tedious and tiresome at times, but we'll all make it. As the great philosopher Lao-Tse once said, "... a thousand-miles journey begins with the first step." And that's how exactly it should be. Step by step.
"Waste not fresh tears over old griefs." - Euripides.
It is easy to recognize someone who lives in the past. They go on and on about an event that has already occured days, weeks or even years ago.
Most of us, including me, are guilty of this historical crime at some time or another. We do it for different reasons: to justify something that is not perfect in our lives, as an excuse for not doing something that we should; regret, anger, fear, blame, bitterness, pride, guilt and sorrow.
Each new day, is far too precious to simply squander away by living in your own world. If we continue to do that over a period of time, we will only be creating a present which will ultimately become another past we would regret all over again in the future.
Step up to own up whatever you did. Take action. Let life be wonderful again.
...And I'm just doing that; plus a little touch of the past =)
It's hard. But like I saw "it" somewhere... it went something like this:
Smile like nothing is wrong. Talk like everything is perfect. Act as if its a bad dream and pretend that it is not really hurting me.
That, ladies and gents is the "denial" cure that "might" just... work :)
Next chap comin up soon :)
The Journey...perhaps?
We all find ourselves in circumstances which bring much dissatisfaction and great discontentment to our lives at one point or another. If you are in such a situation, you may feel that you're living a life over which you have no control. You're probably almost right. During such times, you have actually surrendered control of your life to someone or something else,- family, friends, society's expectations/standards, an image, etc. Anyone or anything, except the rightful person who should be in charge of his/her life...you =)
The road ahead may be long and arduous to manoeuvre, and it may get tedious and tiresome at times, but we'll all make it. As the great philosopher Lao-Tse once said, "... a thousand-miles journey begins with the first step." And that's how exactly it should be. Step by step.
"Waste not fresh tears over old griefs." - Euripides.
It is easy to recognize someone who lives in the past. They go on and on about an event that has already occured days, weeks or even years ago.
Most of us, including me, are guilty of this historical crime at some time or another. We do it for different reasons: to justify something that is not perfect in our lives, as an excuse for not doing something that we should; regret, anger, fear, blame, bitterness, pride, guilt and sorrow.
Each new day, is far too precious to simply squander away by living in your own world. If we continue to do that over a period of time, we will only be creating a present which will ultimately become another past we would regret all over again in the future.
Step up to own up whatever you did. Take action. Let life be wonderful again.
...And I'm just doing that; plus a little touch of the past =)
It's hard. But like I saw "it" somewhere... it went something like this:
Smile like nothing is wrong. Talk like everything is perfect. Act as if its a bad dream and pretend that it is not really hurting me.
That, ladies and gents is the "denial" cure that "might" just... work :)
Next chap comin up soon :)
Say I look sexy okie? Part Two
Another picture frenzy?!
Well, first of all, I would like to Welcome you to my "spectacular" humungous, french-like castle. *Argh* Should have worn some french maid outfit or somethin =( But nvm la. This is as good as you will get it! :P
I was supposed to take a pic with the fountain which was on my right! But some dungu photographer tak faham English! HAahahhahaha :P The stage at the back is where all the "special" performances around the world, occurs.
"Someone" insisted that I sit on this chair and take a photo. HAhahah. I was forced! Look so funny =P But its okie rite? Coz I'm smilish cutish!
*Trumpet plays* Presenting Sir Knight In Armor! He is valiant, and he doesn't move much. Do NOT go too close or he'll BITE! grRRRr...
But knowing Her Highness Princess S, She was stubborn. And she proves ya'll wrong! "You dare bite the royalness out of me, I'll punch you right outta your glass cage!" *Grins*
And ironically, there were these birds outside, pickin on food. While I was finish my owl masterpiece!
Another picture frenzy?!
Well, first of all, I would like to Welcome you to my "spectacular" humungous, french-like castle. *Argh* Should have worn some french maid outfit or somethin =( But nvm la. This is as good as you will get it! :P
Presenting... Your loveliness, sexy and alluring highness, Princess er... S!

Say I look sexy okie? Part One
Wahahahhaha... if not! You all won't get pictures! :P Blerhz.
Anyway, I went to Bk. Tinggi rite? So here are the "promised" piccies :) Konon laaa.. See I'm so nice! Better say I'm sexy ok?! Ahahhahaha ... Okay.. enough laughing.
Let's cut to the chase! :D
I had to wake up at 9.30am! That's freakin early for me T_T Left at 10.45am.
Yada..yada.. yadaa~ You know.. drivin takes time, so I shall not bore you with the "going up journey" details:) See! I'm so nice again... ahhahaha...ha. ha... Ok.. Stop. -.-"
We reached and had to unpack all our stuffz, so we got right to it!
Let me tell you one thing; This bugger here, brought "literally" his whole bed to Bk tinggi -.-"
Anyway, I went to Bk. Tinggi rite? So here are the "promised" piccies :) Konon laaa.. See I'm so nice! Better say I'm sexy ok?! Ahahhahaha ... Okay.. enough laughing.
Let's cut to the chase! :D
I had to wake up at 9.30am! That's freakin early for me T_T Left at 10.45am.
Yada..yada.. yadaa~ You know.. drivin takes time, so I shall not bore you with the "going up journey" details:) See! I'm so nice again... ahhahaha...ha. ha... Ok.. Stop. -.-"
We reached and had to unpack all our stuffz, so we got right to it!
Let me tell you one thing; This bugger here, brought "literally" his whole bed to Bk tinggi -.-"
He brought his single bed, and bed sheets... and summore can smile! May as well bring your whole house here rite?!
Scenery outside the apartment. NOT so beautiful or "breath-taking" because of the stupid Indonesians! HAZE~!

The junk that they fed us with. Totally JUNK I tell you! The horrorrr~~ And this was only half of the "junk"!
I present you with "gambling tokens". These are the substitutes of "money" to gamble =.=

I was bored. Went out for a walk. But to no avail because of the stupiak haze -.-" Not really nice pictures.
The "champion". Or so he calls himself :P
The champion's sister! Hahahaha. I was testing out the cam. See what kinda pics it can take =)
And of course. The cam-whorin session. The toilet was scary though. But this is me. All sweaty and dirty during badminton! I tell you, we played some badass baseball badminton. Got down and dirty man :P

Humanoids with poker faces. HAHAHAH.
All Jedi wannabes. You lookin hot JL! Like your hands pose. It's like "what-ev-er!"

Chef Daryl aka my brother, was cookin dinner coz he was incharge at that time. While we jakuns were stuck to the tv like orang bodoh, waiting for food to be served. :)
Cb hungry faces! ahahahhaha :P So cute la =P
After dinner, we watched Austin Powers I think. Laughed till our asses dropped off, and headed to bed!
Anyway, toodles for now. More to come in the next post! Be suprise of the cam-whoring sessions! Wahahahahha :P
Till then, ciao pplz. Nite nite :D

After dinner, we watched Austin Powers I think. Laughed till our asses dropped off, and headed to bed!
Anyway, toodles for now. More to come in the next post! Be suprise of the cam-whoring sessions! Wahahahahha :P
Till then, ciao pplz. Nite nite :D
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Part One
Chapter one
The actor and actresses.
"Life is the sum of all your choices". - Albert Camus
So many of us live from day to day, distracted by an anonymous script from which we act our lives. We hurtle blindly through the days, months and even years as if on autopilot. We know, instinctively that we need to stop for a moment and re-examine the script to see if it still suits us, to ask if we can still be the actor/actress it calls for, or to consider whether we require an entirely new script altogether. We know, but just don't have the time, the energy, the will or even the inclination to pause, ponder and reconsider. So we keep moving, ploughing and plodding through our lives, hoping for the best, praying for our dreams and inwardly wondering when the world will hand us another script.
Well, we can wait, or we can do somethin about it now. Sure, it takes a lot of effort and of course, it can get a bit scary, especially if you don't even know where to begin. What matters more is that you have realised that there must be something you can do to make a difference in your life, that there is a better way, that there exists a perfect script that's just right for you, with a custom made leading role you can play meaningfully and joyfully. This realisation alone is a wonderful starting point, and that's all you need to begin with.
It's time to play the role you were meant to play; the role you were yearning for all this while. Put down that old script and pick up the new one with that exquisite storyline and plum leading role which you just know is perfectly suited for you, because no one else can play that role more genuinely that you. No one else can bring forth the full character of the leading role. No one else can comprehend completely the nuances of the character's various facts.
You ready for it? Lights, camera....action!
*Stay tuned =)
Note: Connection has been a bitch once again, and therefore I couldn't bloody post up any pics. -.-" So, please bear with me... or rather the connection and practice your patience :P
The actor and actresses.
"Life is the sum of all your choices". - Albert Camus
So many of us live from day to day, distracted by an anonymous script from which we act our lives. We hurtle blindly through the days, months and even years as if on autopilot. We know, instinctively that we need to stop for a moment and re-examine the script to see if it still suits us, to ask if we can still be the actor/actress it calls for, or to consider whether we require an entirely new script altogether. We know, but just don't have the time, the energy, the will or even the inclination to pause, ponder and reconsider. So we keep moving, ploughing and plodding through our lives, hoping for the best, praying for our dreams and inwardly wondering when the world will hand us another script.
Well, we can wait, or we can do somethin about it now. Sure, it takes a lot of effort and of course, it can get a bit scary, especially if you don't even know where to begin. What matters more is that you have realised that there must be something you can do to make a difference in your life, that there is a better way, that there exists a perfect script that's just right for you, with a custom made leading role you can play meaningfully and joyfully. This realisation alone is a wonderful starting point, and that's all you need to begin with.
It's time to play the role you were meant to play; the role you were yearning for all this while. Put down that old script and pick up the new one with that exquisite storyline and plum leading role which you just know is perfectly suited for you, because no one else can play that role more genuinely that you. No one else can bring forth the full character of the leading role. No one else can comprehend completely the nuances of the character's various facts.
You ready for it? Lights, camera....action!
*Stay tuned =)
Note: Connection has been a bitch once again, and therefore I couldn't bloody post up any pics. -.-" So, please bear with me... or rather the connection and practice your patience :P
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Missed me?
Thought so :P haha
Anyway, I've been away for 4 freakin days high up in the mountains breathing fresh air =) I liked my trip there, but I would've liked it better if there was "a touch of "your" essence".
It was really cold, really windy but yet I had quite some fun.
It's not an oh-so-fancy-5-diamond stars-hotel or place we lived in; rather it was quite basic. Like camping. Only indoors =) But thank the Lord, it had a comfotable bath tub :) And also Thank You God, for making sure that everytime I bathed, I had me some hot water! Or else I could have died of hypotermia -.-"
"It's so freakin cold, I think my breast implants are frozen!" - quoted- Amazing Race =)
I lived 4 coldified (is there even such word?)... days, in a place where there were no computers, internet, astro and also my comfy piggy :( They had a tv though, and we watched many...and I mean many movies with it. Someone even brought the DVD player lol.
It wasn't a happenin trip, but more of a relaxing one. I'm glad I went to cool my head in the cool weather :) Pictures will come in tomoro coz it's not uploaded yet. Till then...more stories to tell ^_^
Anyway, I've been away for 4 freakin days high up in the mountains breathing fresh air =) I liked my trip there, but I would've liked it better if there was "a touch of "your" essence".
It was really cold, really windy but yet I had quite some fun.
It's not an oh-so-fancy-5-diamond stars-hotel or place we lived in; rather it was quite basic. Like camping. Only indoors =) But thank the Lord, it had a comfotable bath tub :) And also Thank You God, for making sure that everytime I bathed, I had me some hot water! Or else I could have died of hypotermia -.-"
"It's so freakin cold, I think my breast implants are frozen!" - quoted- Amazing Race =)
I lived 4 coldified (is there even such word?)... days, in a place where there were no computers, internet, astro and also my comfy piggy :( They had a tv though, and we watched many...and I mean many movies with it. Someone even brought the DVD player lol.
It wasn't a happenin trip, but more of a relaxing one. I'm glad I went to cool my head in the cool weather :) Pictures will come in tomoro coz it's not uploaded yet. Till then...more stories to tell ^_^
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
I'm not a happy girl
You know I want so many things :( But I can't have it now!
Therefore it makes me unhappy girl :P Unreasonable rite? Yea, I know. That's me sometimes letting off steam. LOL !!
Anyway, I am soooo-ooo-oo0- bored with boredom that I've decided to post a short wishlist. NOTICE the word short; means theres more:P HAHAHA !
Okay, at 5am acting all crazy ain't good. So please help me fufill my wishlist so I can be a happy girl k?
:+: Sarah's bea-u-tiful and "reasonable" wish list :+:
- I wish for a new wardrobe. (Mini skirts and baggy pants are TOTALLY allowed!)

- I wish for new shoes. (Lewre roxor!) - couldn't find my favs, so I just post random nice shoes :P

- I wish for a hairdo. (Just dying actually -.-)
- I want to Ice-skate. (Figure skatin)

- I want to travel the world! < style="color: rgb(255, 102, 0);">Japan will be my first destination. Cape town, Africa will be next! *I'll get u ur lasagna! PROMISE!*

- I want to go for a slimming program! < style="font-style: italic;">wish to not be lazy!
- I want a new handphone coz I'm realizing mine sucks big time. Only the voice speaker part :P
- I want a prince who loves me for who I am, tolerate my nonesence, my manja-ness, and takes care of me but also having fun! Yes, fun is very important :) Must be a good kisser too! HAHAHA *Looks away* Oh yeah, must have good looks ! Muahahahhaah =P
- I want to get my mommy a big big garden and weekly allowance. (That is when I start earning my own income-lah)
- I want to get my daddy a big big beach house so he can finally relax. (That is also when I'm earning my own income...and when I'm rich!) Keke :P
- I want to...er.. get my.. er.. brother =.= a big big airplane so he can fly it and do whatever he wants with it. (That one...I need to rethink. Too big la. You're talking Millions for the airplane alone, and it will come to BILLIONS when it comes to maintenance.) So yeah, boohoo for you. You still have my love LOL :P And besides, I think you will become either a successful mechanic engineer? or a business man :D
- I wish for Santa to fufill my wish every year. We'll see whether this year; would he? or would he?
- I wish for my fast recovery. It's really slow atm. Quite painful. I don't like :(
Enough for now :P OR you guys want more? Heheheheh :P
Took me an hour to do this post =.=" Time-consumin man. 6.15 edi !!!!! I'm so dead.
*7.30 goin joggin*
~Dreadinggg....dreadinggg....ddreaaddingggg...... ... ... ... .. .. .. . .
One more wish! This one I bet you all know! :P
I wish forr....
Therefore it makes me unhappy girl :P Unreasonable rite? Yea, I know. That's me sometimes letting off steam. LOL !!
Anyway, I am soooo-ooo-oo0- bored with boredom that I've decided to post a short wishlist. NOTICE the word short; means theres more:P HAHAHA !
Okay, at 5am acting all crazy ain't good. So please help me fufill my wishlist so I can be a happy girl k?
:+: Sarah's bea-u-tiful and "reasonable" wish list :+:
- I wish for a new wardrobe. (Mini skirts and baggy pants are TOTALLY allowed!)

- I wish for new shoes. (Lewre roxor!) - couldn't find my favs, so I just post random nice shoes :P

- I wish for a hairdo. (Just dying actually -.-)
- I want to Ice-skate. (Figure skatin)

- I want a new handphone coz I'm realizing mine sucks big time. Only the voice speaker part :P
- I want a prince who loves me for who I am, tolerate my nonesence, my manja-ness, and takes care of me but also having fun! Yes, fun is very important :) Must be a good kisser too! HAHAHA *Looks away* Oh yeah, must have good looks ! Muahahahhaah =P
- I want to get my mommy a big big garden and weekly allowance. (That is when I start earning my own income-lah)

Enough for now :P OR you guys want more? Heheheheh :P
Took me an hour to do this post =.=" Time-consumin man. 6.15 edi !!!!! I'm so dead.
*7.30 goin joggin*
~Dreadinggg....dreadinggg....ddreaaddingggg...... ... ... ... .. .. .. . .
One more wish! This one I bet you all know! :P
I wish forr....
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