Rephrase that sentence puh-leez. Yes, I went do volunteery work. Guess where? At the zoo =) Well, it was tough work for me right from the beginning my alarm clock rang. I had to wake up at 7am and get ready to go by 7.45am...and I was so groggy I couldn't talk to anyone, coz all they heard were mumbles =.=
Anyway, we got stuck in the jam, on the way to ampang...I think... Er.. and then, we had to call the zoo authority coz we were going to be late. So much for the "first day of work" enthusiasm huh? =P We signed up and I was kinda terrified of what might happen to me coz I really didn't know what to expect. We gathered at this room with another 2 of my friends, my brother and his friend, then the lady in charge spoke!

She asked which department we wanted to be, and I thought of the performing area or feeding animals or, kitchen work or being with the penguins. But she said only the kids world and the kitchen needed help. So i picked the kitchen. So much for picking my choice; they didn't want me. Haha. They didn't NEED my help. Okay, so we moved on to the next place and the next that MIGHT need help.
In the end, after much walking, Elliot (a friend) and I got assigned to the birds area while my brother and his 2 friends helped out at the kid's world.
At first glance the birds house looked nice, and decent, but that's just the outside. The inside, however, was DIRTY! DIRTY! DIRTY! There were dried bird shit everywhere and the place stunk! Grosssss...I was complaining to Elliot about how disgusting it was and how I couldn't survive in there. Lol. I think after a while he got annoyed :P Sorry la.
My first job was - cutting food for the birds and washing up the so called "dishes and plates" that were used. NOT so bad. But I didn't like touching the raw stuff on the plates, it's just slimmey and .. ugh. Let's not talk about it. Washing up took an hour or so. My supervisor, Mr. Fendi, was like those Discovery Channel dudes who do shows like "Crocodile hunter" or "Mad something something...". He wasn't bad looking and he kept asking me questions like where I was from and bla bla bla. The usual "greetings" you get. I was kewl about everything until another supervisor came in. He looked scrawney and skinny...Oh! and VERY talkative. He was always talking to me, and asking me stuff ; Elliot thinks that he was hitting on me.
We had break around 10am. Resumed work at 10.40am. We had to change into those black knee length boots. It was kinda uncomfortable coz I could feel something inside it. We went to one of the bigger bird cages...and rake leaves. Sad to say, there were those big BIG GIGANTIC ants T_T that could fall off the tree. Some fell on me, I freaked and I didn't want to rake anymore. When they bite, its so painful man. I just stayed away from the trees.

Sort of how the ants looked like...big right :X
Still, there was another obstacle to overcome. Birds shitting and pee-ing from ABOVE. Luckily for me, I managed to dodge all, but Elliot...uhm not so lucky. Haha. Lucky it wasn't shit though :P Neway, I was back at the kitchen, this time, peeling bread (Gardenia) mind you, into "small" pieces. Then Fendi, asked me to cut fish. Ew! It smelled, and it was scaly and slippery...ahhH!!!! I never thought I would be doing this!! But then I thought to myself..."hey it's not so bad, this is like housewife in-training programe HAAHAHA". To make things worse, there weren't just like 50 fishes...but more than a hundred to cut into 3 slices!! The head, the body and the tail. It was hell I tell you. A very gross, painful and smelly job. After cutting the fishes for 2 hours, my wrist was on the edge of disengaging from my arm-.-" (exaggeration of words making it more dramatic!) HAHAHA :PBUT! I endured thanks to Elliot keeping me distracted, laughing and also talking while doing our work. Then it was LUNCH BREAK. Oh~~ How I yearned to hear the word since like an hour ago. Heaven blessed me. We walked to this place called "Marrybrown" ; I think some of you heard it before. Neway, I ordered food, and fell asleep there ... for like 15 mins. When I woke up, the 4 monkeys weren't around! So, I thought like they left me or something T_T ... But guess where they were ?! OUTSIDE Marrybrown. *My heart beat a sigh of relief* After eating, it rained. Drizzled. And then, it rained more heavily. Elliot decided that we go back now since lunch break is almost over.
First we WALKED in the rain. Then we RAN. As we ran, the rain got heavier -.- God was playing with us hahaha. We got SOAKED wet. When we reached the bird house, our supervisors said we played in the rain =.= !!! We just laughed it off. Our next job was, to clean the cages. I don't know where Elliot went but I had to go into bird cages to pick up bowls and all those gross stuff you can find, take it out and wash them in the kitchen. paid off! I fed EAGLES! Pretty and handsome ones *luv luv* oh! oh! and I got to hold one horn bill on my arm~! :)
Alright, so back to the point. Work ended at 5pm. I couldn't feel my legs. I was sweaty, smelly and tired. And guess what my parent's REWARDED us ?
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