Why? They have to prove themselves all the time to others; so terribly insecure that they have to put others down to push their ways to the top. And guess what, the only cure to high self-esteem is tuning it so low to the extent of zero self-esteem. How so?, one would ask. Because when you reach the exalted state of no self-esteem, you discover that you are nothing, but that also means you have nothing to lose.Best of all, it's not just about self,self, self. Put it this way: low self-esteem= people who think they are "worthless" human being while high self-esteem= people who think they are "worthwhile" human being.The only balance is to have none at all.
It's a complicated thing, this self-esteem issue. I'm a living example of unclassified self-esteem. There are times when I feel pretty damn good about myself- even without a single touch of make-up, I think I'm prettier than those who try too hard to look like a doll. But I was easily intimidated by girls who look like this:

So much for being vain eh? :)
*edit: eh i forgot to put credits to the blogger who wrote this. I altered it a lil coz I see it another way, but overall; same concept la. HAAHAH!! OMG im so mean. the blogger's weebie is http://www.xanga.com/chronic_klutz. I'm so sorry I didn't post this up earlier. I forgot -.-" The pics might not be the same coz I thought of just changing it hahaa. But don't take it personally, I really forgotten.
PS: thanks Ethan for commenting on the blog. You reminded me lol!
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