Sunday, August 06, 2006

It hurts...

It hurts so much, I really can't take it sometimes. I try to be considerate, understanding but I can't do anything anymore. My mind is blank, and all I think is the great times and affection; and in return find out that, there is no way I can do it because, I'm not appreciated anymore.

I really wished that there was a time machine, and have the power to erase all the mistakes. I've forgiven, but not forgotten, and for me to feel emo, sad and angry is only human. I'm sure "you" know how it feels as well.

It just makes me wonder sometimes, what I'm living on or for?...The one thing that I've lived for has deserted me and left me in this state. It feels like being thrown into a deep ocean where it's dark and scary. It feels like I'm drowning in it.

I did not do anything wrong, but yet this happened...the fact that i let go, is because I love...

But now even when I want you to be happy, or myself to be happy for example, it can't be done, coz wounds have been dug in so deep...If only I knew how to be a better person by being happy and alright for this, I think it would ease you the pain...

Then again, one can only be so noble rite?

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