Big walk, Big walk.
Sure you guys think it's easy to walk huh. Of course. That's because we walk every single day. Maybe you should put yourself to a test, say the Malay Mail Big Walk, and try out your walking skills ;)
I went, with some friends of mine. I woke up at 5 bloody am. 5! Couldn't sleep no more, woke up groggy like a zombie, and started haunting my own house.
Arms and legs still sore from wall climbing, I went half-heartedly into the car.
We reached around 6ish. There were already maybe 5k people there. The crowd kept on zooming in, pushing and stepping on puddles of water. It's been a while I've felt how morning feels like. As in 6.45am kind of morning. Chilly, cold and soothing actually.
Anyway, it's said that there should be around 9-10k people assembling to take part in this event. And I thought only 2000 would show up. How ignorant can I be!
Sleepy faces with smiles.
Eh, before I go into the fun of it all right, being inside that crowd wasn't as pleasant as you'd think. Body odours, people cursing like no one's business, lala people, and people who aren't really serious about the walk. They bring bags, some big some small. I even saw this group of girls who put on make-up? Pinkish color on their eyes. Wtf? It ain't a photoshoot session! Get over yourself.
Moving on...
At the starting line. Lotsa people right? Just wait, there's more.
Contestants getting ready at the starting line. Different categories starts at different times. This line goes all the way back maybe 1km? Don't know lar. But 10,000 humans yo!
When I saw this pic, I was like "cool" ;) They can do this, so can you!
Then towards the finishing line...
Little bit more only ~ (See, Ethan at the corner, muahahha) I didn't look nice here. Lol :p
I was tired, but mom kept saying "Sarah, sarah look here". Then I gave her a smile, but she didn't tell me to get ready -.- Some retard expression I showed, as a result.

The 2 under 16 bois that finished 5 minutes before us! Not fair :(
I went for a stroll along with other people's sweat, water, saliva watever. It was soooooo crowded I tell you. Oh, and the ground here looks perfectly fine ain't it? It's soaked with puddles of mud. Step in there and you'll sink 3cms. Hahaha.
People lining up, for food, drinks and goodie bags. This is hardly an area taken.
And then, we were off to the car. But! Guess what. My daddie parked another 2km away from the event spot. zOMG =\ So after walking the Big Walk, we had to WALK some more. But it was worth it. Nice views =)
Somewhere near Dataran Merdeka :)
What I didn't like about it was that people didn't obey the rules. They ran, jog. Whatever. Stewpid people =3
"Endure the negativity thrown, for it wasn't meant to be thrown at you. "
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