Tuesday, April 17, 2007

The haunted and the hunted. Part I

Konnichiwa :) I'm back. Yes, with pictures. Muahaha, I'm sure you guys are already overly excited right right?!

Anyway, before we skip to the juicy candid parts, let me share with you a little about this trip.

For all I know, planning was crucial. But... because 'we' were planning them, it was chaotic! Lol. Nonetheless, we got it done and we're all back alive.

This trip has been a challenging experience I'd say. Living with people; like Ethan says brings out our true colors; for better or worse.

Actually, I thought I'd have to withdraw due to high fever and vomitting problems. Didn't happen, so yeah. Imagine dead zombie walking up a mountain. Blardy slow okay -.-" I'm so sorry you guys had to follow my pace. Felt bad about it >.<

I won't elaborate much about the details, but this trip was a hard work planning pay off. We didn't live indulgently nor did we whine about not having air cond or a fireplace.

Though, I have to say, I'm quite surpised at myself for being able to live there. 3 days. Imagine that. I don't have to, since I've experienced it already :p Neway, pics up. Enjoy.

Steep. Me no like. It was as if we were walking up a wall.


Heh, heh, heh. What do we have here? Everyone curi tulang?!

On the way up, I saw this. Sigh, soft spot for pretty lil things.

See that stonewall thing they're sitting on? Supposingly, our "short-cut" up.

Guess what this is?... Dunno? Really dunno?!

Taboo lah. Love this game.

Hah! Caught playing Bohnanza. Many of you probably won't know the game,
but it's hella interesting and fun ;)

Oh... presenting,
The infamous leech bite. Why is it infamous? Because... it took 8 people to take care of this matter.
(Still don't geddit? Imagine screaming, kicking and eyes-covering) *shivers*

This was my first attempt. I seriously didn't like it. So I stayed around for a little while more and took...
Isn't it a pretty sight? Uh-huh, and it was taken by no other than yours truly. Giler proud okay :p

That is all for the moment. Part II will come up, when I feel like posting =P And btw, if you are wondering why I'm not in the photos (xcept the feet); 1) I was the photographer. 2) The photographer was too sick to cam-whore. Lol ;p

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