Sure you guys think it's easy to walk huh. Of course. That's because we walk every single day. Maybe you should put yourself to a test, say the Malay Mail Big Walk, and try out your walking skills ;)
I went, with some friends of mine. I woke up at 5 bloody am. 5! Couldn't sleep no more, woke up groggy like a zombie, and started haunting my own house.
Arms and legs still sore from wall climbing, I went half-heartedly into the car.
We reached around 6ish. There were already maybe 5k people there. The crowd kept on zooming in, pushing and stepping on puddles of water. It's been a while I've felt how morning feels like. As in 6.45am kind of morning. Chilly, cold and soothing actually.
Anyway, it's said that there should be around 9-10k people assembling to take part in this event. And I thought only 2000 would show up. How ignorant can I be!
Sleepy faces with smiles.
Moving on...
Then towards the finishing line...