Kyo wa, watashi no Nihon no puroguramu misete itashimasu. Tottemo tanoshii da. Dansu o shita, nihonjin no kazoku mo iita, shashin o tottemashita, sorete ichiban tanoshii no mono wa yukata desu! Ahh... ii na. Watashi mo yukata o hoshiin ne :( Dare ga watashi no tameni kaite moraimasuka?
Ah, koko made hanaseru. Watashi no nihon go ga jouzu janai, dagara sukoshi dake renshushimashita :D Watashi wa ne, mada mada da ne. Itsuka, mirai de, watashi no nihon go ga jouzu ni natte, mo ichido nagai no essay ga ageru ne!
Okay, I'm gonna be on TV! Lol. Excited la. I went shooting for a Japanese lifestyle show :) With me were, Sube-sensei, Renee, was it May? and a few more girls :) I had to learn a dance in 2 hours (2 of the others already knew), and mind you, it was traditional dance. Poise, posture ~ Poise, posture T-T It was alright. I picked up quite nicely and then we just walked around in our yukatas :)
This was when I wore the red yukata. I changed later on. So, I'll post the Part II when I can :) Hope you enjoyed yourself!
Tanoshii katta? ii ne :) Yokatta. Ja, mata paruto ni wa omachishite orimasu. Ogenki de!
kireina tokoro deshoo!KLpac mitai..
doko na no? yukata o hoshigatteiru deyone
ahh, so so. Anata wa kono mae ni KLpac e ikimashita?
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