Day 2 was actually random visiting to friends, aunties and uncles place. No cam whoring coz I was still bloody sleepy, and the sleepy bug continued to haunt me the whole damn day. But guess what you're gonna get?!
Lion dance pictures only! Wahahahahah!!
This year's lion color theme is PURPLE! *I picked the right color to wear this year!* lol. Okay, presenting the poser lion!... but he also can dance martial arts okay. Must give credit mer right? :P

Ready or not? Here I go! Grrrr!!

Wah, I need a bit more courage leh :( The poles are quite high! Everyone clap please. Btw, the ones standing at the corner are the percussionists :)
Then it was off!!

Kung Fu pose ;)

Bowing down pose!

"I stand tall in this world! All hail the dragon...I mean Lion."
And, finally...

The finale
"squat and pose with banner" pose! Haha! Just kidding la kay ;P
(I don't know what the banner says... but
I think maybe it's 'Have a Properous Year'?)
After all that,

(Brother took this pic. Sneaky fella.) =3
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