Monday, July 24, 2006


What is maturity? According to the dictionary it means; The state or quality of being fully grown or developed. I would agree to the definitions. Though it is a very general meaning, being matured is something that takes time, discipline and effort. As for me, I can't say that I'm fully matured because I'm not and I have yet a lot more things to learn and to improve on. From the way I look at this, maturity moulds first when you have the attitude. The positive attitude towrads improving ones self. I will state down a few things about maturity from my p.o.v, but it will be more of the mentality area instead of a "matured growth" which is more to physical.

You know you're on the way to being more matured when you:-

- are responsible
- sensible
- organized
- compassionate
- considerate
- understanding of situations
- don't contradict yourself
- honor your word
- have visions and goals
- self-reliant
- can control your emotions to fit in different circumstances
- don't complain about petty things in life
- know how to appreciate
- have leadership qualities (be it a little or a lot its fine)
- know how to talk sense
- can have intelligent conversations
- learn how to improve yourself for the better
- can adapt to situations
- can speak up for yourself
- admit to your own mistakes
- when you have your own state of mind; not easily influenced

I think there are many other qualities that can be stated. But for now, this was what that came to my mind. If anyone thinks that I'm self-proclaiming to be a matured person because I wrote this, please read the top again.

Values can be stated, but to have them; its a different story.
(-babychocolattes, 2006)

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