A last minute plan by the guys, after dinner, they wanted to watch a movie. Not knowing whether there were enough tickets or watever, they went there early. Fortunately for them, it was not fully booked, nor sold out. Lucky us we got to watch the Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead man's chest =)
Overall, the show was great! I loved every sec of it. Kept me in my seat and not even wanting to go and pee when I had to go badly =P hahahaha. I stayed till the end ! Capt Jack Sparrow roxorr xD But i loved all the action and humor in it. It definitely was a worthy show to watch =)

Temp. Leader of the cannabalism tribe(TLotCT): Oh? What's for dinner?
William: Psst* Jack! It's me! Elizabeth is in danger you gotta help me...
TLotCT: *Tries to not recognize him* [turns to one of the cannibals and say]...Oh, chukulat sat sat eat eat mum mum cookku hhiimm ok ok? miao miao! (Cannibal language)
Cannibal: *Rawrs to his other comrads* eat eat mum mum cham cham MIAOOO!!~
TLotCT: (Whispers to Will).."So sorry mate..."
William: Pirates~

William: Will she be able to help me find Elizabeth? he think
Capt Jack: Oh bother, this is one scary woman! Wonder if she has any dirt? *looks around her house*
Baldy: Oh! Sexay lady *beams* lol

Capt. Jack: Oy crew, me brought us new and VICIOUS crew members!
*In his head - Oh bugger =\*

*You are now witnessing 2 overgrown human hamsters in battlemode.

This picture is just stupid. LoL! I can't laugh nor get scared. I just find his 'tentacles' very funny hahahah *falls off chair*. He's like an overgrown...uh...somethin? octopus? no..can't be...mixed blood. I wonder what other blood...*shivers*

Baldy: Eh mate, I think we're in trouble.
Skinno: Yeah dude, should we treasure our lives or this chest more? *wonders*
Baldy: *Thinks for a bit* Ou..r... nono.. the box?
Skinno: Yeh...*reflects* eh? the box? But what's init?
Baldy: I dunno...
Skinno: So what'd we do now?

3 kids who didn't wanna grow up from being pirates. tsk tsk. What were they fighting for? Oh..for that you have to watch the movie =P I dowan to be a spoiler *nyahahahaha*

"Oh Elizabeth my love! I will sail to the ends of world to save you from the confining bars of that unhonorable fool that imprisoned you! I will! Wait for me..."

"Argh! I hate wearing these pirate clothes. Makes me look boobless =( Unlike my corset! But for you Will, I will find you, using this...uhm..er... weird compass that could..hm.. Well if anything goes wrong blame Jack."

This is how I looked when I came back =P (Actually just cam whoring only la. I was so tired -.-" look so stressful ler =( not cute edi >"<
blerkz :P I shall go to bed now ~ niterz all !
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