Victorious!... not.
After a year of guidance, EYAA has benefited me in many ways. I learned to be in control of my future, though I'm not fully in control of my future now. I see the need in doing so. I try to grasp onto anything that could support me in achieving that.
Who would have thought that I'd work as a volunteer in a zoo? Who would have known that I'd be able to have an adventure outside of Selangor? Who would have known I'd face leeches before I died? Who would have known that inside me, lay a vicious competitor? Who would have known I would grow into who I am today?
Anyway, enough with the past for the moment. What happened on the 5th of August, will be something that has a sense of significance to me.
I slept late as usual the night before, and waking up for the Award seemed such a chore. Somehow, it didn't hit me hard enough that it was important for me to be fresh and awake. I dragged myself out of bed, and got myself a rude awakening. The heater was acting haywiredly. It works one minute, and doesn't the other. So, for me, a person who hates to shower with cold water, became grumpy. On the other hand, when I got over that incident, I tried to dress casually but to no avail; that is why you see me wearing such a combination on that day. It sucked, and I didn't feel at my top potential! Such details DO matter! *fine,fine, call me a vainpot!*
I picked my cousin up and off we went to W.I.M- the place where the event was held.
When we arrived, gosh, we thought we were late. No worries though, we were one of the earliest to arrive. Everyone was greeting one another, shaking hands, viewing our portfolios, chatting and browsing through picture albums.
As the time grew closer and closer for me to speak, I went into hyper mode. Smiling at everyone, but shivering on the inside. *This is why we should never do last minute speeches, but when do we ever listen?* I tried to memorize the content but gave up after a while. Instead, I paid attention to whomever that was speaking.
Then, to my shocking suprise, Amy(the director; my advisor/teacher/mentor), said it was time for the speeches. But she pulled our legs saying we can have a 5 minute break for refreshments. My oh my, doesn't that seem to feel like ages?
Who would have thought that I'd work as a volunteer in a zoo? Who would have known that I'd be able to have an adventure outside of Selangor? Who would have known I'd face leeches before I died? Who would have known that inside me, lay a vicious competitor? Who would have known I would grow into who I am today?
Anyway, enough with the past for the moment. What happened on the 5th of August, will be something that has a sense of significance to me.
I slept late as usual the night before, and waking up for the Award seemed such a chore. Somehow, it didn't hit me hard enough that it was important for me to be fresh and awake. I dragged myself out of bed, and got myself a rude awakening. The heater was acting haywiredly. It works one minute, and doesn't the other. So, for me, a person who hates to shower with cold water, became grumpy. On the other hand, when I got over that incident, I tried to dress casually but to no avail; that is why you see me wearing such a combination on that day. It sucked, and I didn't feel at my top potential! Such details DO matter! *fine,fine, call me a vainpot!*
I picked my cousin up and off we went to W.I.M- the place where the event was held.
When we arrived, gosh, we thought we were late. No worries though, we were one of the earliest to arrive. Everyone was greeting one another, shaking hands, viewing our portfolios, chatting and browsing through picture albums.
As the time grew closer and closer for me to speak, I went into hyper mode. Smiling at everyone, but shivering on the inside. *This is why we should never do last minute speeches, but when do we ever listen?* I tried to memorize the content but gave up after a while. Instead, I paid attention to whomever that was speaking.
Then, to my shocking suprise, Amy(the director; my advisor/teacher/mentor), said it was time for the speeches. But she pulled our legs saying we can have a 5 minute break for refreshments. My oh my, doesn't that seem to feel like ages?
And so... ends the "glorious" day. Food was catered and we helped ourselves to tid bits of snacks. Popiah, mee hoon, some green roll thing, egg sandwiches: Malaysian style of "teatime".
P.s: Guess who joined the exclusive C.A.T's club? :]
Oh btw, I wrote this at 4am. Forgive me if it was lacking in content, humor, details or exaggerations. Imagine: a zombie holding a pen.
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