See you again.
Departing was somewhat a relief and also a little reluctant. Mr. Colin did his monologue which was humorous, touching and meaningful as his way of saying 'goodbye'. He left in the midst of Alwyn giving a speech; I found it a little abrupt but he had to rush off to Genting! To play? Nooo... way off. Business :)
Departing was somewhat a relief and also a little reluctant. Mr. Colin did his monologue which was humorous, touching and meaningful as his way of saying 'goodbye'. He left in the midst of Alwyn giving a speech; I found it a little abrupt but he had to rush off to Genting! To play? Nooo... way off. Business :)


[I'm not making fun of Mr.Colin. Just so happens that the pics I took of him were as above. I hope you don't mind if you're reading this!]

Some pictures were really, really dark. It's like looking into a picture with humans wearing hoods. Shadows in the darkness. How much darker could it get?! So they weren't posted. Conclusion; YWC camp was more than what I had imagined and it's so far the most unique camp I've been to. Inspiring, intriguing, serenading, peaceful, challenging, fun, motivating, you name it.
It was just different.
It was the first time I sat in for a Writer's Slam and it was all worth the butterflies in stomach, cold sweating, sitting on the cold floor hunched up and bugs invading the floor. I was humbled by this camp and it has made me think more of the world that surrounds us.
For example, a blog isn't just a blog. It is a voice that reaches out to the community. It could change the mindsets of people, change the society, change the future. If there is something you are unhappy about today, start voicing out because you never know who might be reading your blog. Look at Nelson Mandela, he made change on his own expense. 27 years in jail is a long time. Even longer, if you are innocent.
I don't regret and that's all that matters.
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