Friday, August 10, 2007

I believe evil exists.

Considering that I am feeling a little sickly today, I won't ramble on with long winded introductions. Let's get to it :)

* I would like to know more about html, but it's gettin`more difficult to decode the codes. Sometimes it gets so frustrating, I accidentaly press, "clear edits" and everything I've done for the past 15-40 mins will be erased. Start over you say? God, no. I'll do it the next day.

* Took my Advance 1 jap exam today, and I think I would get a B/C. There goes my A once again :( I am actually hoping my sensei fails me for not writing in kanji and then I can retake the test! Hahaha. Fat chance :(

* I fell into the toilet bowl today; butt first. Don't ask, don't think, DON'T imagine. kthxbye.

Now, for the likes of me.

Colorful, ain't it?

Testing my phone's angle ;)

What does it feel like to get half of me?

OMG, I went sooo hyper today when my mom told me we're going to eat bak kut teh in Old Klang road. w00t! That's the only place I love to eat bak kut teh. And, it's been 3 whole years since the last time I set my foot there! My dad asked if I was hungry, and I was like "Yeah, yeah, yeah" nodding my head as if I haven't eaten for days -.-"

Round 1?

Round 2. Sorry no pics of me cam ho-ing. 1) too hungry. 2) Later you stalk my family members how?!

Take a bite, take a guess, but would anyone undo the mess?

That is all, I think. Oh, how I dread work sometimes. I know it's for experience and all, but it's so tiring at times. And my boss always bully me T_T (Boss, if you're reading this, buy me hagen daaz chocolate chip ice cream, and i'll forgive you :p) I need to set my priorities straight-er.

Nite nite to all who reads this post at 1-2-3am in the wee hours of night :)

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