*cue inspirational song.
Ahem, so now I'm sure you're all wondering what was that one small gesture that made Sarah happy? I'll let you in on it now.
*cue drumroll.
It's my Mommie's burfday. Pardon the hardcore spelling error, but that's what it was...I mean is. On this very auspicious 21st of March, I'm glad to announce that my mommie has grown a year younger. (In my eyes. Lol, no I'm not sucking up, so shaddap).
She is a superwoman. Can you name any other woman that you know who could do all these? Let me list them down for you.
- Cook (scrumptious meals. I remember tw couldn't get his hands off them)
- Bake (forevermore experimenting her kitchen "lab")
- Play badminton, squash, swim and jog.
- Wrestle (Sorry, not with me, but my brother because he's such an ass)
- Work for herself (own business la, stewpid) hahaha.
- Hang clothes
- Fold clothes
- Mop floor
- Vaccum
- Wash clothes and every other chore you can think of.
- Computer savvy
- Do grocery shopping
- Go pasar malam (alone, sadly. Coz most of the time, she goes at the wrong time)
- All the business required skills
- Fly (Drive like a mad woman la, doink)
- Super strength (can carry bigger box than me)
- Laser eye (Hoho, this one you don't wanna see. You can lose your head, literally)
- Rushed home when I accidentaly sent this message while sleeping "I'm in trouble. Please help me."
- Elasticgirl. (In other words, a multi-multi tasker) She can nag at my brother while scolding me and yet cook a delicious meal.
*there are loads more, but it'll just take up too much space. So, that's the summary I'll give you ;)
And there is one of the top 3 things that I admire about her: she can pound chillis. Do you know that is not a freakin easy job? If you don't believe me, one day I'll make you do it =3
It don't matter how old she is (coz I'm not sure also), kidding :p
So what happened @ 0000 hours (in case you're wonderin, it means 12am, no?)? My brother and I actually co-operated for once. We went up like spies hoping that my parents couldn't hear those heavy footsteps, and barged into their room. Tadaa!

Happy birthday to you...
Happy birthday to mommieeee... *pause*
Happy. Birth. Day. To. YOU.
Then we gave our handmade cards (btw, mine was so much more beautiful hahahaah! tough luck D :p). Yeah, so anyway, after the hoo-haa suprise, we dashed out because mom was starting to read the contents. So we freaked. (Yeah, we wrote some stupid things in there).

For all the times you:
> nagged at me
> whacked me
> throw words at me
> curse at me
> raised your voice at me
> punished me
> grounded me
> locked me out of the house
> made me finish my food
> made me go for mandarin classes
> made me cry
forgive you. Haha! Nola. Am I that bad of a daughter. Please :p
I still<3 you.
Happy Birthday once more mommie :)

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