The cuts remind me of how strong I've become.
Before I go in full throttle about my night at the mall I would like to present to you a short incident.

Is this blood? Who's? Why is it smudge on the fabric?

Oh no! There's actually blood.

Gosh. What could have caused this disguting looking BIG wound?
So, yeah. That's my knee. Gross I know. Picture this:-
That's (see below) a clothes hanger by the way. I remember vividly how it was so obviously placed on the sofa but yet I joyfully jumped on it knee first. Why? Why was I so eager to jump on the sofa? I'll tell you in a bit. After that one moment of cold numb pain, I thought that it would cease but to my surprise, it bled. A cut with skin peeling and a blueblack feeling.

The culprit.
This was the cause.

That's a snail without a home. And we(bro&I) were trying to make him/her(how do you check a snail's gender?) one. This was what I was rushing to look at.

I didn't know snails could live without their shell. So, it was surprising to me, at least. And God, it moved soooo-o-oo slowly -.-

My brother just HAD to turn it upside down. Cruel human.
The end..

During work. Well, this is part of work.
It is a potrait of strength, that doesn't appeal on the outside.
Judge me if you like. But that doesn't make you right.":)
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