Fools, begone.
Greetings back home in Msia again :)
Singapore has been great and now you'll see what I mean! Although it was a full two day activity which left us little time to explore the wonders of Singapore, we had loads of fun.
The night before flying off, I couldn't sleep till 3am. It was so difficult to wake up at 6.30am to continue packing and get ready. So, off I went sleepy as hell, like a zombie, to church.
Upon my arrival there, my dad said I couldn't take my piggie with me :( He said travel light. Oh well, I bade my goodbye to the poor thing in the car, and waited for Adam; who, is btw, supposed to reach earlier than us! :P
We had McD's for 'breakfast' and got into our plane. As soon as the 'safety belt' light went off, we camwhored -.-

Representing CHC's talent; Shawn the rascal.
This is Dennis.
.Our respected team leader; Adam.
.Left to right: Dennis, Shawn, Uyi, Marki :D
As soon as we arrived, we found out that Uyi couldn't get through the imigration. Unfortunately, he had to be sent back to KL for some confidential reasons. We were devastated, and discouraged. Or, rather, I was at least. Suddenly, I felt an element missing in our team but I still tried to put a smile on my face to help encourage everyone else. Especially, Marki and Kellz :(
We proceeded, with our dance routine, minus a few adjustments. Man, it was a challenge to have improvised in 2 hours. Nonetheless, it was great!
Team CHC KL!
.In the artist room, waiting to be presented to the crowd :)
.My face looks retarded. Got long hair one!
.The many eyes watching us :) in Expo Hall 8, Changi Rd.
.Ahem, I accidentaly, flashed my camera. *glee
.Our Excelsior Hotel. There were mirrors EVERYWHERE.
.Waking up a little too hyper!
.Beautiful girls :)
.I love them both! :)
.With Shawn in the artist room.
He was 'warming up' his sore throat lol.
.With Dennis.
.Shawn fascinated with Lester's Iphone :D
.Everyone do the Lester pose. Haha.
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