Friday, September 05, 2008

Give me a museum and I'll fill it;

Counting down to T-minus 5 hours and 40 minutes... bla bla secs.

To each his own; to do or do not- there is no 'try'. Kill or be killed- there is no 'try'.

The many years I've been trying to tell you that; and now I've finally found the right words. I think in a million years or more, I still wouldn't be able to define you as a whole. You are full of surprises and mysteries that there are times I cannot dig any dirt up. Slick as you may be, you never failed to be there for me and you always became my pillar of support, whether I liked it or not.

A small dedication before I write upon the real day - 6th of September:
  • Thank you for always being around to get punched :)
Of course I mean it in a good way.

It's time for my holy obligations :p Will be back to update the status, till then;

T-minus 5 hours and 15 minutes;
Smile la, smile what? Huh!


You were blessed with wonderful lyrics of a heart beating out of love.

Happy Sexy 19th Birthday syg.
Have a good one, coz you're gettin old ;)

Kampai to;
more late nights ;)
more cyber (what nots)
more outings
more care, attention and manja-ness
more Japanese food
more losing to me in sports
more scribbles
more secret whispers
more telepathy communication
more tender loving care
more phone calls
more everything

"The most eloquent silence; that of two mouths meeting in a kiss - to the many years that will come, fulfilling a lifetime of love."

I love it when we connect in our loving ways :)

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