Stepping up the game.
Continuing my previous post.
Time is of the essence nowadays. I'm so busy, I don't even go online anymore! Oh well, I know you still miss me dear :)
Anyway, back to Singapore (finally)
Day 2 was pretty much a hang out day because service was in the morning ;p but nonetheless, we were still exhausted.
After dancing our last session for the event, we were free to roam around the wonders of Singapore. With Lester as our guide, thank the Lord we did not get lost :)
Continuing my previous post.
Time is of the essence nowadays. I'm so busy, I don't even go online anymore! Oh well, I know you still miss me dear :)
Anyway, back to Singapore (finally)
Day 2 was pretty much a hang out day because service was in the morning ;p but nonetheless, we were still exhausted.
After dancing our last session for the event, we were free to roam around the wonders of Singapore. With Lester as our guide, thank the Lord we did not get lost :)




That ends the awesome S'pore trip!
Our production 'Dance my love' was a success. Though, I am not ecstatic about my routine, and performance, I think it was alright overall. In the end, I was feeling a little remorseful about changing the cheorography on the last day to entertain Pastor Kevin, but at least we tried. I was just feeling down thinking about this performance. I could have done so much more but I guess I have to let it go and move on. I would definitely step up the game, next time around.
Overall, it was entertaining and I got my parents for once to watch me do something else other than studying. Their pressence there was appreciated. Thanks :)
I shall post pics, once I get them so, just keep logging in to check on me! ;)
*Oh, before I forget, the next post would be a tag post. Cayman tagged moi :D
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