For where thou art, there is the world itself, and where though art not, desolation.
Work was work; boss was boss -.- I tell you they've begun to realize what kind of clothings I wear. So they purposely buy all those that I would MOST PROBABLY like, just to tease me. Knn. But I can control myself, hmp!
Camp is on Sunday. It's do or die. I can only imagine the fun I'd be having sleeping in a tent (for the first time, but if playing in the IKEA children tent goes under that category, then it would be my 3rd time) Mosquitoes/bugs/jungle toilet/grass/mud; here I come. & Imightconquer... or so I hope. What's wrong with being pessimistic! I expect the worst.
Omg, a mosquito just got 4 bites out of me in say, 10 minutes? 2 bites in the ass, 1 on my calves, and another on my thigh. So sneaky & perverted -.- Stewpid hot weather. Ugh, cannot stand this. Air cond is officially my best friend now, shiniu da :D
And now, dungu-ness will emerge.
Work was work; boss was boss -.- I tell you they've begun to realize what kind of clothings I wear. So they purposely buy all those that I would MOST PROBABLY like, just to tease me. Knn. But I can control myself, hmp!
Camp is on Sunday. It's do or die. I can only imagine the fun I'd be having sleeping in a tent (for the first time, but if playing in the IKEA children tent goes under that category, then it would be my 3rd time) Mosquitoes/bugs/jungle toilet/grass/mud; here I come. & Imightconquer... or so I hope. What's wrong with being pessimistic! I expect the worst.
Omg, a mosquito just got 4 bites out of me in say, 10 minutes? 2 bites in the ass, 1 on my calves, and another on my thigh. So sneaky & perverted -.- Stewpid hot weather. Ugh, cannot stand this. Air cond is officially my best friend now, shiniu da :D
And now, dungu-ness will emerge.
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