Friday, October 05, 2007

For where thou art, there is the world itself, and where though art not, desolation.

Work was work; boss was boss -.- I tell you they've begun to realize what kind of clothings I wear. So they purposely buy all those that I would MOST PROBABLY like, just to tease me. Knn. But I can control myself, hmp!


Camp is on Sunday. It's do or die. I can only imagine the fun I'd be having sleeping in a tent (for the first time, but if playing in the IKEA children tent goes under that category, then it would be my 3rd time) Mosquitoes/bugs/jungle toilet/grass/mud; here I come. & Imightconquer... or so I hope. What's wrong with being pessimistic! I expect the worst.


Omg, a mosquito just got 4 bites out of me in say, 10 minutes? 2 bites in the ass, 1 on my calves, and another on my thigh. So sneaky & perverted -.- Stewpid hot weather. Ugh, cannot stand this. Air cond is officially my best friend now, shiniu da :D


And now, dungu-ness will emerge.

"Doubt thou the stars are fire, doubt that the sun doth move, doubt truth to be a liar but never doubt that I love."

Only the ones close to me will know what's rare about this pic.

This is as you can see what it is. I'm planning to alter it into an upgraded design. Ideas anyone?

"I can express no kinder sign of love, than this kind kiss."

Terrorist giler mmkay. I told my bosses "I've got no gun" They were laughing at me for a while, but when I told them that, they WALKED AWAY?! Why? Am I more dangerous without an AK-47? Ooooh, I feel power.


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