Don't mess.

An intelligent tough guy who knows how to get his way around plus a sense of humor, what more would you need to make Jason Bourne even more interesting than he already is? He's the man who fights in an old school, "kick, punch, strangle, punch, punch and more punches" style. While the other agents try to get a hold of him using tracking devices, phone bugging, camera surveilence, police forces/man power, guns, snipers, etc... he evades them just by using his head and body parts. Intelligence overpowers technology. That's Bourne for you. And it is worth 7 bucks, anyday.
Just one random question: What will happen to the world, if more people like Bourne existed?
I've been busy and tired lately, so don't be mean saying that my blog is dead :p Don't mind if I blog a little less *winkerss
Now, this is the sign real boredom. People who sew should know what these are.
I've been busy and tired lately, so don't be mean saying that my blog is dead :p Don't mind if I blog a little less *winkerss
Now, this is the sign real boredom. People who sew should know what these are.
True love comes once in a lifetime;
I have pictures of random stuff but I'm too lazy to get them posted. Blame it on the lack of inspiration :P muse oh muse, where art thou? ooooh, la la la. I'm loving the rainy days. Who am I kidding? Only if I wear long pants and a jacket will I enjoy the rain. Who wants to freeze to death anyway?
Randomness strikes again.
xoxo `smoooch.
Randomness strikes again.
xoxo `smoooch.
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