Brats like you are pathetic.
It seems like it was just yesterday when I updated. How quickly time flies. "Men fear time. But time fears the pyramids".- dcvrchn. In this very moment, there is a extremely annoying mosquito taking a taste to my sweet blood, or not.
A series of events have happened since the last time I put my thoughts into words. I find that it doesn't matter if I do or don't. What matters is the fact that I know my own, and can hold them high with pride. What matters is my knowing that my own actions, are more than what many people are able to do. "Say not the sorrys that spills with remorse; I shall do the same."- saysI. I have come to a conclusion that what ever I do, will only be known noble to myself. No one else would understand, till the day I die. Maybe then, I'll leave enough tracks of strength, for others to follow.
Well then, I've said more than I should. Next.
Random: An australian lady thought I was sarawakian and mixed Japanese. It's a nice suprise having people notice you and greet. After all, I'll be friendly to those who are :)

My bosses keychain. Hella cute
:) I like it.

LOU! (If you've watched cats & dogs) Why are you neighboring beside my class?!

Dungu took a pic of me reading a mag and drinking carrot juice. hmp!
I sort of got bored when no customers came in. So, I decided to try on this
beeteafool dress. But there's a catch:

It is meant for girls aged 11-12. ZOMG. Can fit, wtf?! But the chest area a bit tight
:(My colleague couldn't stop laughing at me, and she took this pic.
"Act innocent Sarah!" But I couldn't -.-" I was about to burst out laughing at my own image.

She made me look short
T_T Mean.
xx Mooncake fiesta.
It was a little weird going to grandma's place on a Tuesday. Just different. I was dead tired after work, but I had to go anyway. It's the lanterns I couldn't miss! This year, our competitors were the house across the road which we call
"The bak kut teh boss". Don't ask me why. The mission was to hang any lantern at the highest point possible.
Light me up.

My light is surrounded by a brick wall, just in case.

Life would be a bore, if the road was straight.

Spot the stranger in the shadows. He was trying to exceed his heights' potential. And he made it.

This is
BROTHER'S lantern. Why? Obviously, because there's a hole in it -.-

Darkness surrounds me but the light I carry guides me through.

This is my story.

And it still is.

Pink, pink, pink! How can there be NO pink lanterns, you must be kidding me
:p ..

Who's there?
*ghostly whisper*.

I name thou,
Evonne. This cat followed us from the time we started playing with lanterns till we finished our dinner. A series of violent event followed as my uncle threw a slipper at the poor thing while my grandma's sudden burst to show power emerged. She sat at the door holding a stick
-.-" Tsk tsk, where has the compassion gone?!

See what I mean? So cute, but living in poverty. I guess we can't really make everyone happy.
xx HAHAHAHA! HEADLINES!(Don't kill me please)
Well you see, I can't reveal who it is, because if I do, I'll be dead by this Saturday.
This gesture is called, "Give me the camera now, or I'll BREAK THIS FRIENDSHIP!". Lol

He who is sulking and under my power, nyahahahaha.
xx PATISFRANCE.A new bakery/ice-cream/coffee&tea place in Taipan. I like the interior design (well, coz they have mirrors mar :p) The bread there is alright. The ice cream roxor though ;) I've tried all of them, haha. Yeah, call me a fanatic but I was just curious. I think the ladyboss recognizes me now, since I come so often. She even gave me a little more than standard the other day!
*Big wet eyes*
So kind right?

Well this is "sorta" and insight of the sitting area.

Menu, cashier.


Yummy, yummy, yummy. I
<3 my ice creams.

Best of all, there are some that consists of 0% fats. True or not, well, it's up to my body. If I become fat, then I won't go there anymore
My bear that will always be there to hold my hand when I'm scared.
I just have to end with this picture
:) It's such a heartwarming scene. Kudos to you, uncle!
*It was taken when there was a flood in... (
I forgot the place) This man, swam in the deep water just to save his beloved pets. Now, this is sweet