3 guys and a birthday girl all went out to have lunch @ KBBQ in Taipan. Wasn't a big party, just lunch. But it was meaningful =) Thanks for the great birthday Neal, Weiren& Hx.

Waiting for the latecomers to come pick me up! Muahahha :P Take pic@ Summit toilet -.-"

Didn't manage to take the restaurant banner but if you ever want to eat BBQ stuff and get GOOD service, this could be one of the place =) From the minute you come out of the lift, you can hear all the waiters and waitresses (if there were any) greeting you with open arms ENTHUSIASTICALLY. I was so fascinated that I kept on laughing and smiling. Anyhow, we got seated and as you can see, Neal and Weiren were fascinated with the displays of cute lil bowls and plates! *snigger snigger*
And presenting, the
"Eat, Enjoy and Ecstatic pose!"...
Contestant #1
"Ahhh..!! So big la. You think can fit inside ar?" *Stufff..stuff..stuffs...*

Contestant #2
"mMmm... Reminds me of Jo. Lick lick..Tastes good :)" *Kidding kidding! Don't whack me k :P*

Oh, wait..commercial. This was the pinkish purplish vegetable side dish that weiren liked SOOO much; he ordered it 4 times -.-" *Nyam nyam...*
And..we're back!...
Contestant #3
*Gasps...Gasps...* "He ate the vege," Neal whispered. Weiren stoned.
Contestant #4"Should I eat this? Is this nice?... AH... fuck it la, just eat!" *Chew chew, swallow*

Then real food arrived.

The beef. We were treated like kings and queens. The cut, cook and served it for us. Whaahha *Shiawase*

OMG. Pukes. I just remembered how this tastes like, and I'm tellin you now,
YOU don't want to know.
Ah.. back to edible food.

The beef that you eat with veges. Kimbap?

All fat and full. Lolz. Merry pic taken by merry people :D
Watermelon KAMPAI!

Reminds me of
kotatsu(s). Leg fight anyone?
It was a great day =) Thanks so much for remembering and celebrating it with me. You guys are the best! :D
Next up: The The continuation of my birthday and the BBQ @ Neals !
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