She stayed up till the wee hours of the morning, flipping through her reads and also indulging in games. She wasn't tired. It troubled her that her eyelids weren't drooping close. The night was so young. She believed that she was suffering from insomnia.
She took her house keys from the hook, and silently she carried it to the door. Slowly, she made no sound unlocking the locks and finally she was out in the open fresh air. She breathe in, and exhaled. What was she to do? She sat down on the garden floor and stared into the mesmerizing darkness in the sky.
A song mellowed out from her mouth, and when she soon realized, a song was in tune.
"You were always gonna be...itsumo...itsuka..."
Her melodies chimed into the night's silence. Soon, she was feeling cold. Warmth was what she seeked. She took one more look at the sky, and went in.
Thoughts of things to do, fled into her mind. She had many options but she only chose one. As she walked up the stairs to her room, she smiled.
She was holding a diary. A red diary. Many memories, dates, occasions and thoughts were written in that small little book. It held many secrets, which to life itself couldn't answer. It held many poems of courage, inspiration and love. It was supposed to be a teraphy. But that book has been abandoned for quite sometime by it's owner; dusty and doggy-eared, it was now, only a book of pain.
But she was fine now as she looked back at the pages half torn, scribbled, and it brought back so many memories. She couldn't hold back her tears when it all relapsed. Tears of joy, loss and hurt. There were so many words, unspoken to whom it concerned, so many apologies and so many poems that described true love. As she flipped through the final pages, she saw something more than a sweet note.
It was a suicide note and letters to whom she loved and cared for in her life. A chilly sensation went down her spine. The night...was still so young.
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Monday, January 29, 2007
Ignorance is bliss...sometimes
Don't you think so?
Looking pink, smiling like no one's business... shameless! (Oh, please don't mind that cute outfit kay! Nyaahahha, say a word about it, and and... you'll see) *attempt to threaten :P*
Sunday, January 28, 2007
Pplz, prepare for some bad comments on a certain someone ok? -.-
You know right, I can now officially call my mom a workaholic. Reason is cause, all she does is work, work work. Want some examples? Here I go.
This morning, I was woken up by my dad, coz I slept with my lights on last night. He knocked on the door, asked me to off them. OK, that one is acceptable. Save electricity mar right? Then I slept some more. But then I realized after a while that, once my sleep has been disrupted, I can no longer sleep in peace, so I decided, what the heck, wake up early la; nothing to lose also.
I came down, said my 'mornings' and opened the fridge. Ate papaya, and then I on the computer lor. Here was where it all began.
Dad suddenly called me. "Sarah!" So I answer back la..."Hm?" Then he didn't say anything you know. So I went to see him face to face. He started asking me questions about my friends. Wtf?! So, I answer la, whatever questions he threw at me, whilst eating papayas. Then he saw my bored face and maybe a little tulan-ed coz he called me when I was busy reading some things. SO RANDOM! Argh =X Please work on your timing, dad.
He don't get it wor! I said, "Can I go back reading now?" Then, he asked, what was I reading. I said, "stories la =.=" He just kept on asking when I clearly stated I was busy doing something. So there is my frustration num 1. I excused myself. BUT before I can sit down, my mom comes calling "Sarah! Go hang the clothes la, don't read." WTF WTF?! OMG, HELLO?! I want to relax a bit in the morning can a not? I know you like work, but don't keep asking me to do things, when I'm still in the morning mood ok.
Alright, then there I was, standing, stoning, getting bossed around in the morning. And this was all because I wanted to wake up a lil earlier. So fine, I went to hang the clothes. Came in, and GUESS WHAT?! I got called again.
Argh, please la. Gimme a break. You know what was the next thing my mom did? She cleaned the shoe rack. MY SHOE RACK as well. *All of a sudden, clean shoerack -.-" * No thank you. I know it sounds like a nice gesture, but I seriously don't want my MOM to do it coz she's a clean freak. And, well, mine is NOT so clean. I just left a few socks unfold and 2 plastic bags there, she freaked already k. So whats a poor daughter to do but to calm her down by cleaning it there and then.
Then, my mom went ranting, about how messy everything was when it wasn't really. Really. I walked away la, while she was complaining to herself. Don't tell me after all I did this morning, I still have to stand there and listen meh. I don't want! *Hanging clothes is the chore I hate the most and also do you know how hot the sun was this morning?! I fried out there!*
Conclusion is, my mom is a workaholic even if she tells you that she doesn't like to work all the time. I don't believe! She should just relax and read a book sometime. But watever it is, she is still my mom. And all moms act like well... moms. U know, nagging, lecturing, talking to self, complaining over petty things, etc etc.
MAYBE that is why I don't want to wake up so early, coz this happens. Don't tell me, I have to go through that every day?! NO!
Dowan laaaaaa T______________T *scared to bits already. Plotting a sleeping schedule*
Who knows next, I have to become Cinderella, minus the princess part?! *horror*
*slaps self for jinxing*
You know right, I can now officially call my mom a workaholic. Reason is cause, all she does is work, work work. Want some examples? Here I go.
This morning, I was woken up by my dad, coz I slept with my lights on last night. He knocked on the door, asked me to off them. OK, that one is acceptable. Save electricity mar right? Then I slept some more. But then I realized after a while that, once my sleep has been disrupted, I can no longer sleep in peace, so I decided, what the heck, wake up early la; nothing to lose also.
I came down, said my 'mornings' and opened the fridge. Ate papaya, and then I on the computer lor. Here was where it all began.
Dad suddenly called me. "Sarah!" So I answer back la..."Hm?" Then he didn't say anything you know. So I went to see him face to face. He started asking me questions about my friends. Wtf?! So, I answer la, whatever questions he threw at me, whilst eating papayas. Then he saw my bored face and maybe a little tulan-ed coz he called me when I was busy reading some things. SO RANDOM! Argh =X Please work on your timing, dad.
He don't get it wor! I said, "Can I go back reading now?" Then, he asked, what was I reading. I said, "stories la =.=" He just kept on asking when I clearly stated I was busy doing something. So there is my frustration num 1. I excused myself. BUT before I can sit down, my mom comes calling "Sarah! Go hang the clothes la, don't read." WTF WTF?! OMG, HELLO?! I want to relax a bit in the morning can a not? I know you like work, but don't keep asking me to do things, when I'm still in the morning mood ok.
Alright, then there I was, standing, stoning, getting bossed around in the morning. And this was all because I wanted to wake up a lil earlier. So fine, I went to hang the clothes. Came in, and GUESS WHAT?! I got called again.
Argh, please la. Gimme a break. You know what was the next thing my mom did? She cleaned the shoe rack. MY SHOE RACK as well. *All of a sudden, clean shoerack -.-" * No thank you. I know it sounds like a nice gesture, but I seriously don't want my MOM to do it coz she's a clean freak. And, well, mine is NOT so clean. I just left a few socks unfold and 2 plastic bags there, she freaked already k. So whats a poor daughter to do but to calm her down by cleaning it there and then.
Then, my mom went ranting, about how messy everything was when it wasn't really. Really. I walked away la, while she was complaining to herself. Don't tell me after all I did this morning, I still have to stand there and listen meh. I don't want! *Hanging clothes is the chore I hate the most and also do you know how hot the sun was this morning?! I fried out there!*
Conclusion is, my mom is a workaholic even if she tells you that she doesn't like to work all the time. I don't believe! She should just relax and read a book sometime. But watever it is, she is still my mom. And all moms act like well... moms. U know, nagging, lecturing, talking to self, complaining over petty things, etc etc.
MAYBE that is why I don't want to wake up so early, coz this happens. Don't tell me, I have to go through that every day?! NO!
Dowan laaaaaa T______________T *scared to bits already. Plotting a sleeping schedule*
Who knows next, I have to become Cinderella, minus the princess part?! *horror*
*slaps self for jinxing*
Friday, January 26, 2007
What really matters
To taste, but not to haste.
Staying within the annoymity;
An alias you keep,
Even when you're visible,
None; a fixed rhythm,
Not even a beat.
What lures you out?
What catches your eye?
Who was the guy?
'twas you, out of the blue.
The scent you bear;
Sweet and alluring,
That posture you held,
Tall and handsome,
That sharpened stare:
Froze, I did...
That chilly sensation,
Held me down,
And from then on,
I bared it all.
"I don't have to be inside it, only beside it."
Eh! Tell me please if I'm wrong, but does eating prawn crackers make you sick?!
Wtf is wrong with my mommieeeeee?
x0x0 *winkS*
Staying within the annoymity;
An alias you keep,
Even when you're visible,
None; a fixed rhythm,
Not even a beat.
What lures you out?
What catches your eye?
Who was the guy?
'twas you, out of the blue.
The scent you bear;
Sweet and alluring,
That posture you held,
Tall and handsome,
That sharpened stare:
Froze, I did...
That chilly sensation,
Held me down,
And from then on,
I bared it all.
"I don't have to be inside it, only beside it."
Eh! Tell me please if I'm wrong, but does eating prawn crackers make you sick?!
Wtf is wrong with my mommieeeeee?
x0x0 *winkS*
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Hahahha, omg wei, I'm like awake at 8am in the morning?! This CAN'T BE true -.-"
Sarah doesn't wake up at 8am lol :P Wait, 6am. OMFG! 6 freakin am?!
Oh, I've just finished doing another set of testimonials for my portfolio, and I'm like damn hyper right now. The one thing I'm craving for now, is a nice hot shower. Aaaaaahhhhh!!Aaaahhh!! T___T I'm gonna sleep in class later *sobs at the corner* (Teacher please don't scold me *puppy eyes*) This is terrible! How am I supposed to last the day?! Brain dead already *cries*
I need sugar people, SUGAR!
*Runs off to make a cuppa tea, puts 5 teaspoons of sugar.... mix mix mix mix...*
Okay, I think I'll stop here before I go nuts again =.=
Ja ne! Mata ato de :D:D
*HugsSSss to everyoneeeee!*
OHAYO minna san!
Sarah doesn't wake up at 8am lol :P Wait, 6am. OMFG! 6 freakin am?!
Oh, I've just finished doing another set of testimonials for my portfolio, and I'm like damn hyper right now. The one thing I'm craving for now, is a nice hot shower. Aaaaaahhhhh!!Aaaahhh!! T___T I'm gonna sleep in class later *sobs at the corner* (Teacher please don't scold me *puppy eyes*) This is terrible! How am I supposed to last the day?! Brain dead already *cries*
I need sugar people, SUGAR!
*Runs off to make a cuppa tea, puts 5 teaspoons of sugar.... mix mix mix mix...*
Okay, I think I'll stop here before I go nuts again =.=
Ja ne! Mata ato de :D:D
*HugsSSss to everyoneeeee!*
OHAYO minna san!
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
First Romance
The anxiety.
The excitement.
The nervousness.
The bright litted eyes.
The anticipation.
The desperate attempt to find that one place.
Alas, he found his princess.
The long awaited moment has come to pass. They walked into the place of happiness and leisure, though, not hand in hand.
What a nervous wreck the princess was. She tripped and there the prince was to hold her fall. That was the first time they touched. That feeling never once forgotten. "Thank you," she said with a shy smile. "It's okay," he said, blushing.
As they walked the huge compound, many things they saw; interesting and cute. "That Patrick is cute," she softly whispered. Apparently he heard her, and asked, "Would you like that? I'll buy it for you." She flushed, and said "It's alright. It's expensive =)".
As the day continued, activities were such that it included, trying to pick a soft toy into a basket, basketball, racing, and the most boring thing ever: watching the balls roll down the alley. But, it didn't feel so bad, because of his pressence.
The day was still early. The first seating together happened that day. Tickets punched, food and drinks bought, and 2-hours of intimacy and warmth. It was the best feeling in the world. Though, they wanted it to last, the time was up.
Ice-cream was one of the activities. So cold was the place and ice cream, but they felt none. The silent communication they had, was one to salute. The atmosphere; filled with the essence of love. With that, smiles appeared.
It was running late. Night has fallen. It was the time of depature for both of them. Unable to entwine in an embrace, nor give a warm kiss, they said goodbye. Parting one another wasn't so bad, because they knew it was not the end, but a beginning. The night didn't end there as the phone rang later in the night, starting with..."I love you".
The excitement.
The nervousness.
The bright litted eyes.
The anticipation.
The desperate attempt to find that one place.
Alas, he found his princess.
The long awaited moment has come to pass. They walked into the place of happiness and leisure, though, not hand in hand.
What a nervous wreck the princess was. She tripped and there the prince was to hold her fall. That was the first time they touched. That feeling never once forgotten. "Thank you," she said with a shy smile. "It's okay," he said, blushing.
As they walked the huge compound, many things they saw; interesting and cute. "That Patrick is cute," she softly whispered. Apparently he heard her, and asked, "Would you like that? I'll buy it for you." She flushed, and said "It's alright. It's expensive =)".
As the day continued, activities were such that it included, trying to pick a soft toy into a basket, basketball, racing, and the most boring thing ever: watching the balls roll down the alley. But, it didn't feel so bad, because of his pressence.
The day was still early. The first seating together happened that day. Tickets punched, food and drinks bought, and 2-hours of intimacy and warmth. It was the best feeling in the world. Though, they wanted it to last, the time was up.
Ice-cream was one of the activities. So cold was the place and ice cream, but they felt none. The silent communication they had, was one to salute. The atmosphere; filled with the essence of love. With that, smiles appeared.
It was running late. Night has fallen. It was the time of depature for both of them. Unable to entwine in an embrace, nor give a warm kiss, they said goodbye. Parting one another wasn't so bad, because they knew it was not the end, but a beginning. The night didn't end there as the phone rang later in the night, starting with..."I love you".
After the years, it still pictures vividly in her head. The touch, never gone, the passion, never disappeared, the warmth, kept within her body and that day, never forgotten. Only her heart moved.
It was a Saturday.
After the years, it still pictures vividly in her head. The touch, never gone, the passion, never disappeared, the warmth, kept within her body and that day, never forgotten. Only her heart moved.
It was a Saturday.
Nan da sore?
A cold shiver, cold sweat, the sudden head rush, weak respitory, spinning head, watery eyes, stuffed nose, vomitting, no appetite... don't think I should list down anymore.
What do you think it is?
Nope, it's not a cold nor is it a fever.
Go figure.
What do you think it is?
Nope, it's not a cold nor is it a fever.
Go figure.
Saturday, January 20, 2007
A step back in time
There was a place; spacious, comfortable, filled with people.
As I stepped onto the perimeter, I had a flashback. "Such a familiar ground, have I been here before?"... thoughts came rushing through my head.
I've nearly forgotten this place, I whispered to myself.
I stood by the pool I walked by before; bare footed, it was the same feeling I had 2 years ago. That sandy, but yet solid ground. I then decided to explore this place once more.
One touch was all it take to bring the past back alive, even for that one moment. I remember I saw a couple kissing there. I giggled an awkward laughter.
As I walked, I passed by the bridge in which romance was in the air. I still remember the darkness, the embrace, and warmth. The time that sort of stopped. Maybe it was me, but it passed by slowly...slowly...
Sadly, it is but a memory. A memory in which I can only keep dear to my heart, for it was where it all began. The place that I could define as cozy as a home, if only you'd join hands with me, to step in a dream come reality.
That sweet chiffon blue dress, and a handsome black matching formal wear. Love was written all over the night.
As I stepped onto the perimeter, I had a flashback. "Such a familiar ground, have I been here before?"... thoughts came rushing through my head.
I've nearly forgotten this place, I whispered to myself.
I stood by the pool I walked by before; bare footed, it was the same feeling I had 2 years ago. That sandy, but yet solid ground. I then decided to explore this place once more.
One touch was all it take to bring the past back alive, even for that one moment. I remember I saw a couple kissing there. I giggled an awkward laughter.
As I walked, I passed by the bridge in which romance was in the air. I still remember the darkness, the embrace, and warmth. The time that sort of stopped. Maybe it was me, but it passed by slowly...slowly...
Sadly, it is but a memory. A memory in which I can only keep dear to my heart, for it was where it all began. The place that I could define as cozy as a home, if only you'd join hands with me, to step in a dream come reality.
That sweet chiffon blue dress, and a handsome black matching formal wear. Love was written all over the night.
Thursday, January 18, 2007
I tell you, horoscopes and fortune telling to some point, are bullshizz.
They lie, they patronize and get hopes high.
But hopes can be like lies. There is very little real hope in this world. Hopes only lead to self-destruction. Hopes are the words you want to hear now. Hopes are always never tied by knots, so what gurantee is there? Hopes are just misleading sometimes. Hope is that one sweet moment. Hope is the feeling that there is something more than a 2nd chance. Hope is the source of denial. Hope is 2 faced. Empty hope births stupidity.
Nevertheless, the majority of humans on earth live off hopes. Hope leads to determination; determination leads to a vision; visions lead to a desire and a desire leads to a dream. People place so many things on hope. Yet, hope is also a vicious feeling, for it can either make you or break you.
Hope; something you can't live with nor live without.
So what's your verdict? Should we rely on hope, or none at all?
They lie, they patronize and get hopes high.
But hopes can be like lies. There is very little real hope in this world. Hopes only lead to self-destruction. Hopes are the words you want to hear now. Hopes are always never tied by knots, so what gurantee is there? Hopes are just misleading sometimes. Hope is that one sweet moment. Hope is the feeling that there is something more than a 2nd chance. Hope is the source of denial. Hope is 2 faced. Empty hope births stupidity.
Nevertheless, the majority of humans on earth live off hopes. Hope leads to determination; determination leads to a vision; visions lead to a desire and a desire leads to a dream. People place so many things on hope. Yet, hope is also a vicious feeling, for it can either make you or break you.
Hope; something you can't live with nor live without.
So what's your verdict? Should we rely on hope, or none at all?
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Would U?
Would you wait sitting down, downloading your favorite series for 2 hours or so, only to watch the series which will only last for 30 minutes?
Note that you cannot go out, it's late at night, you're lazy, and just surfing the net.
Would you?
Note that you cannot go out, it's late at night, you're lazy, and just surfing the net.
Would you?
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
"Believe me", I plead.
She was her own problem and for that she knew. The endless words spitting from her mouth, were purely to get her calmed but at the same time, disgusted the ones around her.
At one point, a guardian who wishes nothing more than for her to be herself once more, stepped up; it was a challenge of worth. Accepting that offer with the right set of mind, the first few miniscule steps, were executed with no problems.
Knowing that one can lose focus, she did. Tremendously and ungracefully. Unconciously, revisiting the past memories and the pain that somehow became the comfort zone; the first of problems aroused. There, she realized it may have been something trivial she did, but to others it was betrayal.
She then picked herself up once again, stronger than the last time and started working her way up. Before she knew it, the things she did and said, were exceptionally, true and relaxed. Like how a normal person should be. Though, occasionally, there were lies left behind. Actions only to make those around her believe she was okay.
All in the end, what ever she did, was always never good enough, even for that one step. No one acknowledged, no one heard, and true enough, she couldn't ask for anyone to understand, because no one would, and no one will. Same goes for her, who would only understand the true concern of the ones around, but never the same way that they feel.
*Savouring the last of friendship after adding more fuel into the taming fire. It was my fault, and I take all responsibility. I thank you for all the tolerance that you had for me, and the eyes that saw my misery. Though I may have meant almost nothing to you both, I've always looked up to and cared about you guys.
"May time help resolve the distance and hurt between us. And may you see me for who I am, soon." Only that I pray.
I still love you guys, and I'm sorry.
At one point, a guardian who wishes nothing more than for her to be herself once more, stepped up; it was a challenge of worth. Accepting that offer with the right set of mind, the first few miniscule steps, were executed with no problems.
Knowing that one can lose focus, she did. Tremendously and ungracefully. Unconciously, revisiting the past memories and the pain that somehow became the comfort zone; the first of problems aroused. There, she realized it may have been something trivial she did, but to others it was betrayal.
She then picked herself up once again, stronger than the last time and started working her way up. Before she knew it, the things she did and said, were exceptionally, true and relaxed. Like how a normal person should be. Though, occasionally, there were lies left behind. Actions only to make those around her believe she was okay.
All in the end, what ever she did, was always never good enough, even for that one step. No one acknowledged, no one heard, and true enough, she couldn't ask for anyone to understand, because no one would, and no one will. Same goes for her, who would only understand the true concern of the ones around, but never the same way that they feel.
*Savouring the last of friendship after adding more fuel into the taming fire. It was my fault, and I take all responsibility. I thank you for all the tolerance that you had for me, and the eyes that saw my misery. Though I may have meant almost nothing to you both, I've always looked up to and cared about you guys.
"May time help resolve the distance and hurt between us. And may you see me for who I am, soon." Only that I pray.
I still love you guys, and I'm sorry.
Friday, January 05, 2007
The Birthday
3 guys and a birthday girl all went out to have lunch @ KBBQ in Taipan. Wasn't a big party, just lunch. But it was meaningful =) Thanks for the great birthday Neal, Weiren& Hx.
Didn't manage to take the restaurant banner but if you ever want to eat BBQ stuff and get GOOD service, this could be one of the place =) From the minute you come out of the lift, you can hear all the waiters and waitresses (if there were any) greeting you with open arms ENTHUSIASTICALLY. I was so fascinated that I kept on laughing and smiling. Anyhow, we got seated and as you can see, Neal and Weiren were fascinated with the displays of cute lil bowls and plates! *snigger snigger*
And presenting, the "Eat, Enjoy and Ecstatic pose!"...

Oh, wait..commercial. This was the pinkish purplish vegetable side dish that weiren liked SOOO much; he ordered it 4 times -.-" *Nyam nyam...*
And..we're back!...
The beef. We were treated like kings and queens. The cut, cook and served it for us. Whaahha *Shiawase*
OMG. Pukes. I just remembered how this tastes like, and I'm tellin you now, YOU don't want to know.
Ah.. back to edible food.
And presenting, the "Eat, Enjoy and Ecstatic pose!"...
Contestant #1
"Ahhh..!! So big la. You think can fit inside ar?" *Stufff..stuff..stuffs...*
"Ahhh..!! So big la. You think can fit inside ar?" *Stufff..stuff..stuffs...*
Contestant #2
"mMmm... Reminds me of Jo. Lick lick..Tastes good :)" *Kidding kidding! Don't whack me k :P*
"mMmm... Reminds me of Jo. Lick lick..Tastes good :)" *Kidding kidding! Don't whack me k :P*
And..we're back!...
Contestant #3
*Gasps...Gasps...* "He ate the vege," Neal whispered. Weiren stoned.
*Gasps...Gasps...* "He ate the vege," Neal whispered. Weiren stoned.
Then real food arrived.
Ah.. back to edible food.
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
Happy 2007!
Happy 2007 everyone =) [Though, it's like half of Jan gone ;P Better late than never]
The bad of 06'..well some of them anyway:-
- Failed Grade 5
- Drinking
- Long-period depression
- Bitch fights
- Losing loved ones
- Adam's stroke
- Family misunderstandings
The good of 06'
- Truth revealed about people
- See everyone who have grown to be more mature
- Japanese achievements
- My birthday
- Being honest
- Cousin bondings (Celine, Vonne)
- Working recommendations
- Cookin and bakin more
It started off great,
When everything when straight,
Happy moments recorded,
And then fights we just couldn't be bothered,
Till that day, when everything just pained,
Even I, couldn't remain sane,
Arguments led to distress,
Which led on to more stress,
That ended trusting one, less and less.
Saw who was real,
And who was not,
Hurting those near,
That tried to help,
These blind eyes of mine,
Were not able to see,
I wasn't able to be,
What was beyond their eyes could see.
Fun that were genuine,
Good deeds that were the real thing,
The year that ended,
Was one to remember,
For the good times we all had,
I light a candle.
The bad of 06'..well some of them anyway:-
- Failed Grade 5
- Drinking
- Long-period depression
- Bitch fights
- Losing loved ones
- Adam's stroke
- Family misunderstandings
The good of 06'
- Truth revealed about people
- See everyone who have grown to be more mature
- Japanese achievements
- My birthday
- Being honest
- Cousin bondings (Celine, Vonne)
- Working recommendations
- Cookin and bakin more
It started off great,
When everything when straight,
Happy moments recorded,
And then fights we just couldn't be bothered,
Till that day, when everything just pained,
Even I, couldn't remain sane,
Arguments led to distress,
Which led on to more stress,
That ended trusting one, less and less.
Saw who was real,
And who was not,
Hurting those near,
That tried to help,
These blind eyes of mine,
Were not able to see,
I wasn't able to be,
What was beyond their eyes could see.
Fun that were genuine,
Good deeds that were the real thing,
The year that ended,
Was one to remember,
For the good times we all had,
I light a candle.
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