God, there are so many haters in this world :( Let alone right here in Sel. Too bad I guess. It's the ying and yang haha (somehow I feel I sound like a monk...or nun.. or wadevs -.-"). Balanced between the good and evilness... Hahaha. Comment-less :X
It's so tempting to post somethin back, somethin that will probably shut the dramatizers up. But I guess, I don't stoop that low =P
It's not worth my untitled post so I should just move on to another topic..
7km marathons aren't easy! I joined one yesterday; it was my first time after so long that I've participated in one :) I stepped into the stadium around 6.30am and whoa! I felt so outta place man =.= SO many pro(s) wearin all that short running pants and sleeveless shirts. Then there's me and muh bro wearin the sponsored T's and comfy shorts. It was a line between the PROs and AMATEURS Lol!!

So, starting was a bit tricky coz there were so many ppl; all wanting to be at the front line -.-"
..OHOH! and there were ppl wearin roller blades! I should do that in the next marathon! Muahahahhaha :P But of course, they weren't counted as runners la !

My brother desserted me all of sudden, I couldn't find him and that was the beginning to meeting him at the finish line >"< I ran for about 5km, and the car fumes were gettin to me. Eventually I slowed down to a slow jog... *I felt damn pressured everytime someone passes me T_T* At one point, I was about to faint.. Only then, I decided that I needed to walk and take a breather. Haha, weakling me =( *"If only..." thoughts came in... (If only.. I trained harder or longer before the marathon...)*

Ahhh... so thirsty! Need a pipe to quench the thirst :(
Reached the finish line, after 45 mins. The first thing that came to mind was..."Where is the blardy Milo stand!!??" Pissed off, tired and sweaty... I saw the heavenly truck and miraculously, I sprinted there! *See what Milo can do to you !*In the end, I went home, feeling satisfied for accomplishing muh first marathon without stopping! KO-ed totally for 3 hours after that and woke up only to find...
Dreamin.... *Hugs*
that I had to attend an exhibition -.-" AND I was already late. *Bugger*
P.S: Why didn't I post any of my pics up? Coz! My mummie too lazie to take... =3 She didn't wanna follow me around while I was sweatin if off ! Grrr... Ish! Nvm, there will be another marathon; this time I will take my cam along :D!
Oh! One thing I have learnt is to always bring a bottle of liquid while running a marathon. Dehydration, slows you down TERRIBLY!
*Semangat-ness! Pumped up!* Feel damn motivated to go for a 2nd one!! [Let's just hope ya'll can catch up with me eh?] :P!
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