Whenever you call.
Happy Mother's Day,
to all the awesome mummies in the world, and if yours isn't awesome, well... I'd wish you anyway. All mom's deserve a break mmkay :)
So, prior to the mummy's celebration, my brother, my cousins and I decided to throw some party at my grandmama's house; a surprise party at that. Therefore, my bro and I went to Pyramid on Thursday, to get some presents and liquor lol.
We bought wine, a T-shirt, and some delicious swiss chocolate. Now, it's only 3 items right? Guess how long we took to fulfill the shopping list? - that's right, more than 3 hours. One hour for each item? Crazy. Bakabakashi. Gila. Michyuhsuh. Yes, it's 'crazy' in 4 languages.
So, off we went, innocently to window shop; eventually getting lost, and having to turn to the directory like more than 5 times. So, yeah, we got lost. Anyway, we managed to buy the Yellow Tail Australian wine; it tasted alright :)
Happy Mother's Day,
to all the awesome mummies in the world, and if yours isn't awesome, well... I'd wish you anyway. All mom's deserve a break mmkay :)
So, prior to the mummy's celebration, my brother, my cousins and I decided to throw some party at my grandmama's house; a surprise party at that. Therefore, my bro and I went to Pyramid on Thursday, to get some presents and liquor lol.
We bought wine, a T-shirt, and some delicious swiss chocolate. Now, it's only 3 items right? Guess how long we took to fulfill the shopping list? - that's right, more than 3 hours. One hour for each item? Crazy. Bakabakashi. Gila. Michyuhsuh. Yes, it's 'crazy' in 4 languages.
So, off we went, innocently to window shop; eventually getting lost, and having to turn to the directory like more than 5 times. So, yeah, we got lost. Anyway, we managed to buy the Yellow Tail Australian wine; it tasted alright :)
but then...
the parents wanted to have bak kut teh. Who in the world could refuse bak kut teh? So, I kept myself wide awake, by drinking hot tea. But in the end, I kong-ed in the car.
Anyway, the celebration was a success. Albeit all the laughter and made-obvious suspicions, I think we'll never be successful in terms of cooking up a flawless crime :p It is near impossible! Haha. But it was great, and funny. Food was well, asian. And, best of all, I would like to nominate my cousin for 'The cheapster' Award this Mother's Day 2009. He wrapped a box of tissue nicely in wrapping paper, and tried to pass it off as a present to the mom who gets his unfortunate number. Lol :D
Mmkay, I'm tired. Exam in 3 days, and I'm biting the ends of my nails.
God help us all.
So you are bak kut teh lover too! haha...
Let's do bak kut teh one of this days. You still owe me lunch. Maybe we should just do dinner instead. haha...
You lor, always busy one. It's not me okay it's you! YOU! :P I better receive a phone call invitation one of these days, haha.
haha... Same same la. I bz you lagi bz. =P
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