Inner child.
Yo people :)
Exams are around the corner, and I'm just dreading it. One paper is freaking 8am in the morning :/ Who in the world wakes up THAT early for an exam paper. I hope my brain works despite the cold morning weather. *Prays*
And I'm sick people :( Mad fever, mad flu (not swine flu, I hope), etc. Anyway, I have nothing to blog yet as of now. I've turned into a hermit crab cum nerd. Stay at home is what I do best -.-
Anyway, since a certain someone *ahem* says I don't update, and is resorting to backslide, I shall do my part to not become the source of his backsliding lol.
Today's topic would be, *jeng jeng jeng*- "Your favorite Disney character."
I have a few lah okay, but these are the few that I superdupertrooper love.
Who doesn't love Mushu? Eddie Murphy was even the voice actor! Gawd, he's just hillarious.
Some of my favorite quotes:
"My powers are beyond your mortal imagination!"
"Loser.....? How bout if I pop one of your antenna's off!"
"My eyes can see straight through your armor."
"My little baby off to destroy people"
"I....ring the gong...."
"CHICKEN BOY!?! Say that to my face, ya limp noodle!!!"
How can someone not love this guy's humor? It's adorable :D
Okay, I have a confession to make. I've probably watched this movie like 20 times? And somehow I never get bored of it, (though I can sort of memorize the dialogues already). Man, I need more movies like this. Inspirational, oriental, funny, just plain awesome-lah.
Look at my reflection; who's that girl?
Genie from "Aladdin"
I have not watched Aladdin since I was little, but I vaguely remember the movie :) In fact, I have the whole series, I think. I just know that he's pretty lame, and blue :D Love his hair sticking outta his head though, hehe.
Genie sunbathing!
Stitch from "Lilo & Stitch"
Sometimes Stitch reminds me of me. His mischief, his blabbering in godknows what gibberish, and his sudden act of affection/kindness. He reminds me of how random I can be :) So, Stitch, you and I could sooo be BFFs, lol.
I found this, and thought it was very warm.
Rhino from "Bolt"
Need I say more? :D
He's super funny, lame, obsessive; just plain hillarious. Not to mention fat and fluffy! I'm your #1 fan!! :DD Arghh, I just wannapinchyourcheeks!
& they lived happily ever after.
The end.
I know it's a super lame post okay, but I love it! :) Disney characters make my days. Those of you who knows very little of me, would now know that I'm a kid at heart.
I saw some ad in pyramid which wrote:
"Belly fat, belly flat."
Try saying that repeatedly,
Belly fat, belly flat, belly fat, belly flat, belly fat, belly flat, belly fat, belly flat, belly fat, belly flat, belly fat, belly flat, belly fat, belly flat, belly fat, belly flat, belly fat, belly fat, belly fat, belly fat, belly fat, belifad, belifad, belifad, belifad, blefe, blefe, blefe, blefe... er, okay.
Goodnight humanoids :)
Yo people :)
Exams are around the corner, and I'm just dreading it. One paper is freaking 8am in the morning :/ Who in the world wakes up THAT early for an exam paper. I hope my brain works despite the cold morning weather. *Prays*
And I'm sick people :( Mad fever, mad flu (not swine flu, I hope), etc. Anyway, I have nothing to blog yet as of now. I've turned into a hermit crab cum nerd. Stay at home is what I do best -.-
Anyway, since a certain someone *ahem* says I don't update, and is resorting to backslide, I shall do my part to not become the source of his backsliding lol.
Today's topic would be, *jeng jeng jeng*- "Your favorite Disney character."
I have a few lah okay, but these are the few that I superdupertrooper love.

Some of my favorite quotes:
"My powers are beyond your mortal imagination!"
"Loser.....? How bout if I pop one of your antenna's off!"
"My eyes can see straight through your armor."
"My little baby off to destroy people
"CHICKEN BOY!?! Say that to my face, ya limp noodle!!!"



Genie from "Aladdin"


Stitch from "Lilo & Stitch"


Rhino from "Bolt"


& they lived happily ever after.
The end.
I know it's a super lame post okay, but I love it! :) Disney characters make my days. Those of you who knows very little of me, would now know that I'm a kid at heart.
I saw some ad in pyramid which wrote:
"Belly fat, belly flat."
Try saying that repeatedly,
Belly fat, belly flat, belly fat, belly flat, belly fat, belly flat, belly fat, belly flat, belly fat, belly flat, belly fat, belly flat, belly fat, belly flat, belly fat, belly flat, belly fat, belly fat, belly fat, belly fat, belly fat, belifad, belifad, belifad, belifad, blefe, blefe, blefe, blefe... er, okay.
Goodnight humanoids :)
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