Tis' the season to be Jolly :D
Ho-ho-ho-ho, Merry X'mas ya'll :))
Dear Santa,
I've a confession to make: I've been naughty but in a nice way. So, does that make me naughty or nice this year? I really want a white Sony T-series camera this year :( Could you just make my wish come true this Christmas please, please, please? At least I'm honest! :D
ps: I don't have a chimney so just ring up my cell (it's a kind of telephone) and I'll open the door for you! Cookies & Creme will be welcoming your presence with freshly baked scents! And we have to camwhore for a bit before you leave alright?! xD and no, I didn't forget the milk!
Thankiew Santabuns!!
xoxo, Sarah.


Lovers at heart,
I've not forgotten your touch,
Gentle embraces,
Wrapped around in grace,
If I had one wish for Christmas,
Not last years', not next years',
But for all the Christmases;
Warm us up Santa,
Keep us tight,
Remind us of true love,
Remind us of generosity,
Remind us of giving,
Remind us, so that we never give up;
Remind us, so that we'll get to see the Christmas to come.
//Dearest stranger,
I love you and always have. Despite all the shortcomings, the events and bad luck, mistakes will come and go. You are a part of me, a part of my life. Never will your essence be gone, even if you lived a thousand miles away. My smile; your memory, your embraces; my memory. The cutest moments will always be remembered, in those special places that only you and I have gone.
To what's coming, to what that is meant to be, I've given my heart for you to love and care for. Carry it well, carry it proud, as I've carried yours all this while. It is a tough world out there, so let's continue to support one another, let's laugh together, let's enjoy this moment.
Even in the toughest and darkest of times, love may not stand out even when it's shining its brightest, but know this- that I'll always be here, and try as I might to be your light because I hold you dear here <3
I love You.

Now, let's partay!
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